Wednesday 30 November 2011


Assalaamu'alaikum wa rahmatullah

Video courtesy of musicboxforever

A bit secular post, hahaha. Never learn Chinese formally at school but I understood this poem, haha. I think modern Chinese sometimes is blurry in my head because we developed our version of Chinese here despite of other Chinese communities surrounding us who also have their own kind of Chinese. Sometimes I just use Chinese in writing but speaking in other language like Japanese do, haha. Even in certain extent, I didn't speak Chinese to avoid dialectical problem while other counter-speaker is still speaking in Chinese. My ex-colleague, Amir doesn't like Chinese too. He thinks that Chinese speakers only mingles around them and not so smart (look pathetic). However, this pathetic guy was also his classmate and his homie (I am also his fellow Kedah compatriot who speaks in Kedah Malay). Sometimes I just speak Chinese to make sure fellow Chinese friends feel comfortable with themselves and respecting them.

 明月幾時有 把酒問青天
不知天上宮闕 今夕是何年

我欲乘風歸去 唯恐瓊樓玉宇
高處不勝寒 起舞弄清影 何似在人間

人有悲歡離合 月有陰晴圓缺
此事古難全 但願人長久

我欲乘風歸去 唯恐瓊樓玉宇
高處不勝寒 起舞弄清影

人有悲歡離合 月有陰晴圓缺
此事古難全 但願人長久
-  蘇軾

Hurmm, listening to the poem actually made me think that when we meet people around, we will also have to say farewell. I actually hate the fact that we just know everyone for a while and later go on separate ways after we introduce ourselves to each other, that's why I feel difficult to make friend with others if the time is so short because I am not an easy friend nor easily making friend with people around. Perhaps this poet also feels the same :'( However life is short. It's a test for everyone. Ya Allah, wa malas nak pi kelas isokk (I am lazy to go for class tomorrow, dear Lord)!

Sealed with prayers for mercy, peace, and love, amin!

Tuesday 29 November 2011

Migration: Current Challenges to Nations

Assalaamu'alaikum wa rahmatullah

Now we continue the third and final series of the lecture about migration in conjunction to Hijrah New Year 1433. The previous series could be accessed in Migration: Knowledge is the Light. According to Ustad Roslan Chik Ros, a scholar had once listed down based from the Quran and Sunnah on what are the obstacles which prevent a faithful servant of the God to be an obedient and a good servant?

1. Evil Desires and Lust   

In Arabic, we call desire and lust with the term nafs and it means self as human possess various selves in him. We had talked a lot about many bad things. Human who fails to educate this enemy (desire and lust) will be in turn being educated and lead by this enemy. It will lead human into destruction. 

The book Durat al-Nasihin mentions that the God has created the desire and later asked it. Who are you and Who am I?! It answers Him: I am as I am, and You are You! It means that the desire does not want to admit itself as His creation and servant. It has no gratitude and never feels enough. The God cast it into the hell of torment for 300 years. When he was brought out, the God asked it again. And it still answers the same. The God then cast him again for another 300 years. After that, he was brought out again. The God asked it again. And the desire admitted that it is His a servant of the God.

The goodness which could not penetrate into our selves was caused by this obstacle which is the evil desire. There is no struggle which is as great as the struggle to fight the evil desire as it is the root for various desires and which also brings war in this world. When the desire becomes younger and younger but our physical body becomes older each time we reach the year. If we do not bring the desire into what He is pleased with, thus there will be no changes in the society and nations.

2. The World 

The World or duniya in Arabic refers to anything which we can see in this world with our physical eyes and we can touch them. On the other hand, it also refers to materialism. In Islam, the matters which we sought for our necessity to face the life is considered as tools and in the same time those matters are also considered as the fitna (test). The God mentions that property, children and position that we have in our society are all the tests on us. Those who fail to reckon these matters as the tests from the God will sacrifice "Islam". What is the goal of human life? Is it for the stomach (to eat excessively)? Genitals (having sex for never ending lust)? Entertainment and having fun is our goal of life? 

The character and the appearance of the world is luring. She makes people obsessive of her. In the event of Isra' and Mi'raj where the noble prophet Muhammad s.a.w had visited the heavens, he had saw a pretty woman with jewelries all over her. Then he was curious and asked his companion, the noble emissary, archangel Gabriel a.s. Who is that woman? The archangel Gabriel a.s answered, that is the simile of the world. Why the God made the world looks like a pretty woman? What is His message to us? How does a pretty lady looks like at the guys? We are also aware that there is also gay and transvestite communities. But this still applies. The world has her attractions and that is why the male and female must cover the parts which are prescribed in the jurisprudence as should not being exhibited to public. When people wanted to produce advertisement banners for example, they for example might use material and human models. The advertisement for cosmetics might use woman with "sexy" features for example lips, eyes, nose, and etc. The advertisement for obscene magazine perhaps using naked or half-naked male models. The advertisement for alcohol drink might also use woman as the attraction though it is non-related to the beverage, haha. 

This world is indeed fun for those who can't detect her weaknesses and flaws which is harmful for other higher selves. It is not enough until early in the morning that kids hanging around with friends, racing on the motorcycles. Will we be able to face challenges in society today if we had wrongly estimate the world? For example having wives. Human actually feels bored quite in no time. The God had given some loosen up for man to have four wives and practicing polygamous marriage. Because men feels bored with the only wife and preventing them from finding concubines or establishing non-legal relationship with other women. However men are not satisfied and still having boundless desire over the women (world) as an example.

Prophet Muhammad s.a.w mentions that human will never be satisfied even when being given a valley of gold. He is still not satisfied with two valleys of gold and so on. He will only be satisfied when the soul leaving his mass. Money is never enough for human. If we never change our attitude toward the world, how would we be able to face obstacles to change the society and bringing it into His Mercy and Love? We are still being deceived by the worldly affairs. The worldly affairs which brings us toward the goodness and the success in the hereafter is when we assume it as the "field for us to work in reaching Him."

3. Satan: Genies and Devil     

In the Glorious Quran, surah Yaasin, the God mentions about human has an obvious enemy which are the Satans. These creatures are invincible at human physical eyes but they co-exist with human-being and that is why they are known as genies which means hidden creatures. The first genie, who's known as Iblis or Devil has made a promise before Him after he was accursed that he will drag human-being and others into the torment and the curse as he is envious. Envious is madzmumah (evil) characteristics for servants of the God. It brings no benefit to society. These creatures who are evil are classified as satans which means demons and those who are stubborn to submit to Him. Satan also applies to other creatures such as human-being and animals who are evil.

A person who is unable to see the tricks and the motions of Devil will be deceived and fail the tests. The Devil promised to deflect human-being and decorate His commands with lame looking while he decorates His prohibitions until they look interesting. For example, in Malaysia, people love to go for night market while nobody wanted to meditate in the masjid though the masjid has facilities and activities. People would walk around the night market and only ended up buying kacang puteh (garden peas). During the early part of Ramadan, people might influx the masjid until the mosque lose its balance and list. That happens because He had seized all of these hidden creatures so human will use their considerations and minds wisely, not being influenced by evil whispers. However, when it is near to the end of Ramadan, the masjid becomes empty and empty as the blessed month is almost over.

Devil decorates what is illegal and makes it look fun for example the time when a non-married couple is chatting to each other until they forgot the time. They could stare at each others' face for eight hours without stop. But when they are married and are legal to stay together, they feel that it is not fun anymore. The Devil made it opposing each other. When it is illegal, couples would be so fond of each other, perhaps calling each other every minutes. I also see this everywhere, it also includes my first year degree roommate Duwe, hahaha. His girlfriend called him even when he is in the toilet... poopin', hahahaha. If we have no knowledge and forget about this, we would be carried away by the current. No changes.

4. Satan: Human-Being   

We would be spoiled because of fellow human-being. Sometimes, our children who we had properly educated with religious classes, being sent to madarasas, and we taught them with scriptures but still could be found for example illegally racing on the road. Why? It's the influence of friends. Sometimes, a friend who is not good will bring a person into the darkness. 

As for myself, I have to think many times when I wanted to make friend too and this is how I survive until today. I am using my consideration despite I also think like sometimes I wanted to just break out of all the rules or norms in the society and just be like others. When I declared the faith into Buddhism, I still perform the norms and performing strict observance of a shraman (hermit who does not live in monastery) though I just undertake upasaka (layman) vow. This shraman life had also made me in conflict with people around because they don't understand me and I became one because I was treated like a thrash by people around. A shraman is a thrash in people's eyes.

Children, wife, and husband all could be the satan who lead human-being into darkness if they make a person forgets Him and His commandments. So, an immigrant should migrate into obedience to the God. Make sure that we are able to face these four obstacles to migrate to Him and for a better future. We must migrate into humility before Him and not being enslaved by these four matters mentioned by the scholar. If we fail to win them over, our civilization and nations will be in doom. We try to avoid our morality from being defecated and also protecting our Creed from being deflected by these four matters. 

Move the migration toward Faith and Fear to Him may everyone be blessed and all the blessings of the heavens and earth being directed to everyone as what had happened to the blessed prophets and messengers of the God.


Ustad Zamry Haji Kassim calling everyone together to reflect on the topic. The challenges that we are facing today is also could be reflected in the hadith narrated by Abu Dawud. Says the prophet Muhammad s.a.w where in a certain period, the nations of Him will be a target group! Companions feel weird and they asked further. Will we be among the minorities at that time? Muhammad s.a.w answered: No! There are many of you, but you are just like bubbles in the sea. You'll explode when you hit the ship, when the ship hit you too will you explode.  

When we look again at the reality of Muslims in Malaysian Peninsula today. We are not so many. We are challenged in three angles where our Creed has no strong foundation. The Shariat (Way) is not completed and performed well. We take some part of Shariat but we reject the other parts. Morality, dear Lord! In this angle of morality, we view nicely on wrong values of adultery. This applies to all groups who are sex-craved and thinking only genitals twenty four seven. 

We afraid that we will be like what is mentioned in Malay idioms. Melukut di tepi gantang, campak ke tengah halaman tidak dipatuk ayam, dibuang ke sungai tak disudu itik. We repeat again that the mind is filled with knowledge to know. The heart is filled with faith to motivate the move to Him. Facing the four challenges with perseverance to educate desires as to make sure that we are able. The most good property is the property which is managed by a good and pious man. If a pious man managed the property, the benefit is also into piety.

We train our desires to face the challenges in the situation and according to environment. Children, when we study, make sure Islam is with us. Others had far in front of us to recognize A as they know their environment. That is why a professor will send his broken engine to a mechanic to repair it though the mechanic gets no As in his examination. Mechanics know what happens to the engine. Remind ourselves that our intention for everything is for Him. He is our Source and our Base. Hopefully that tomorrow Fajr prayer service would be as crowded as today in the masjid, we can right?!  

a. Mind is filled with knowledge to know
b. Heart is filled with faith to move
c. Desires is trained to be able to face challenges  

May we see again in other opportunities. Pray may we meet again in His paradise the Abode of Peace. May everyone knows each other in the name of our Faith, we see each other because of the God, we say farewell also because of Him. Wish that this lecture (and post) injects some spirit to our souls and to other brethren from Portugal to China, from China to the US.  

- Final part of lecture, Masjid Yayasan al-Bukhary and co-Organizer, Kedah Islamic Guidance Department. 

Sealed with prayers for mercy, peace, and love, amin!

History: Islam and Eastern Europe

Assalaamu'alaikum wa rahmatullah

 Tunka Valley, Siberia

Media always trying to blacken others and I don't know what is the benefit of making people around the world scratching each other faces because of the difference in religion or values and demanding people to leave behind their religion. As for me, I don't care if my neighbor is a Christian, a Jew, or even a Hindu or a Zoroastrian. They can live all they want as long as they respect the normal convention of civilized human-being and practicing morality code preached in scriptures of their faith. I was myself a Buddhist and I live and sustained by my parents who are Muslims.

Some "Muslims" traditions practiced by certain nations are not in accordance to the Glorious Quran and also prophetic tradition. And those things intentionally or unintentionally were brought into the media as representing Islam. Some people might say Islam is making the people radical because it changes people so radically and they can't go for their hedonism culture anymore. Islam must be uprooted because they hate Islam (the God). The person who said that kind of thing actually has no soul inside himself. He is just an empty clay. He doesn't really hate anyone but himself, he does not understand himself nor environment around him : )

As far as I am being a Muslim now, I never act a barbarian but trying to behave as a human-being. My sisters have access to jobs, education and they can go out hanging out with friends. I even had scolded my little sister for not studying well and forcing her to sit for exams when she fails for her own sake but she refused. I can do nothing about that. In the early times, my sisters never wear hijab. They wear hijab because of their own decision and I as their brother never hit them nor do my dad forcing them to cover themselves up. We believe in personal decision and consideration based from knowledge and revelation.

We understood ourselves as human-being and not an angel nor demon. Islam is the religion of the meek who is always being tyrannized by others. In the beginning I thought that I do not want to continue this blog anymore. I was extremely bored at the beginning that made me open up this blog but some brothers in faith had advised me to keep it on so I just keep it on. I think it would also be beneficial if I share anything that I have including my notes so it would be kept as documented records before saying goodbye to the world. Now let us begin in general with its historical part. 

Early History

According to what we read in Wikipedia, Islam came in contact with Europe in different ways, and it is also through conquest. So, the conquest part is always being highlighted and magnified by war-monger Western world who now proclaim themselves as peaceful like they never wage any war before. The new research has discovered a Boszormeny Muslim community in 12th century Hungary. They were Muslim merchants who conducted trade with Asia over Silk Road. These people were Ismaili Shi'ite Muslim. These people were forced into Christianity after the establishment of Hungarian Kingdom. There are also significant Muslim community of Lipka Tatars who lived throughout Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. They hold their prayer services in wooden masjids and playing key role in the history of Poland and Lithuania.

Eastern Roman Empire

Muslim Arabs fought the Eastern Roman or Byzantine Empire soon after the re-establishment of Islam. They took hold the provinces of Roman empire colony in the East for example in Syria, Armenia, Egypt, and North African. Later, Constantinople was besieged twice. Once in the blockade between 674 and 678. Once again between 717 and 718. Byzantine Empire managed to successfully defend Constantinople and were able to control much of Anatolia areas again. It blocks the expansion of the caliphate toward Eastern Europe.

The armies of Umayyad caliphate also conquered much of Kavkas (Caucasus) which were inhabited by Turkic speaking Khazars during the Khazar Arab Wars. However, the instability in Umayyad caliphate made permanent occupation impossible. The Umayyad armies withdrew and leave Khazar. So, the contact with Islamic civilization in Eastern Europe was shut down for some time. What I learned in European Union studies, Eastern Europe is not so peaceful even without Islam in it. The people are nationalistic and racist among each other. 

Around 824, Byzantine Crete fell to Umayyad caliphate under the amir of Cordoba who was al-Hakam Ibnu Hisham Ibnu Abd al-Rahman. In 960, Nikephorus Phokas reconquered the island. 

European Russia

In the early of 10th century, in the part of European Russia today, the Volga Bulgarian under Almush accepted Islam and established it as their state religion. Ibnu Fadlan was sent by the Abbasid caliph, al-Muqtadir in 922-923 to establish diplomatic relations and bring Qadis (jurists) and teachers of Islamic jurisprudence to Volga Bulgaria as well as to help them build a fort and a masjid. The first Christian rulers of Russia was Olga and her grandson, Vladimir. Olga was baptized into Orthodox Christianity around 957 while her grandson was baptized in 988. Therefore, Islam acquired a state religion status earlier than Christianity in European part of Russia. 

I think I had borrowed brother in law's fictional novel called Eaters of the Dead about Ibnu Fadlan journey who traveled with a group of Vikings to their settlements in Europe from Iraq in 10th century. It is based from an old manuscript and rewritten by an American writer, Michael Chrichton. I found it quite interesting so I juts grab the book without asking permission and at that time I read it, I was a Buddhist boy in disguise. Brother in law was not yet married to elder sister.

The accounts of Ibnu Fadlan says that there were trade connections between Muslims and Rus, who were the Vikings who made their way East towards current day Russia. On his way to Volga Bulgaria, Ibnu Fadlan brought a detailed report about the Rus, and it also claims that some of them had embraced Islam. Ibnu Fadlan account mentions that: "The Rus are very fond of pork and many of them who have assumed the path of Islam miss pork very much." The Rus also relished their nabidz (fermented drink) where Ibnu Fadlan says that it is apart of their daily fare.

The Golden Horde or Turkic speaking Mongol began its conquest of present day Russia and Ukraine in 13th century. Despite that they were non-Muslim at that time, but western Mongols had adopted Islam as their state religion in the late of 13th century. More than half of the European portion of Russia and Ukraine were under suzerainty of Muslim tatars and Muslim Turks from 13-15th century. The Crimean Khanate became a vassal state of the Ottoman Empire in 1475. Ottoman Empire had also subjugated the Great Horde in 1502. The Khanate of Kazan was conquered by Ivan Vasilyevich in 1552. It makes Russia an empire because Russia had also conquered Astrakhan Khanate and the Khanate of Sibir (Siberia).

Balkans in Ottoman Period

Ottoman Empire began its expansion into Europe by getting the European portions of Byzantine Empire in 14-15th century. It captures the metropolis of Constantinople in 1453 and establishing Islam as its state religion. The Ottoman Empire continued to stretch outward and thrusting Hungary in 16th century. It reached Podolia in the mid of 17th century through the Peace of Buczazcz by which time most of Eastern Europe was under Ottoman control.

Ottoman expansion in Europe ended with their defeat in the Great Turkish War. In the Treaty of Karlowitz (1699), the Ottoman Empire lost most of its conquests in Central Europe. The Crimean Khanate was later annexed by Russia in 1783. Over the centuries, the Ottoman Empire gradually lost almost all of its European territories, until its collapes in 1922 when the former empire was transformed into a nation-state called Jumhuriyyah Turkiyyah (the Republic of Turkey).

Between 1354-1526, the Ottoman Empire conquered the territory of present day Greece, Bulgaria, Albania, Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Hungary. The Ottoman had crossed into Europe at Gallipolli to get there. The Empire laid siege to Vienna in 1683. The intervention of the Polish King broke the siege, and from then afterwards the Ottomans battled the Habsburg Emperors until 1699. When the Treaty of Karlowitz forced them to surrender Hungary, Croatia, and portions of present day Slovenia and Serbia. From 1699 to 1913, wars and insurrections pushed the Ottoman Empire further back until it reached the current European border of present-day Turkey.

For most of this period, Ottoman retreats were accompanied by Muslim refugees from these provinces. Those refugees most of all were the previous subjects of local population who embraced Islam. Only some remnants living in Hungary, Croatia, and Transylvania region of present day Romania, Bulgaria remained under Ottoman empire until 1878. The census of 2001 shows that the population includes about 131,000 Muslims (Pomak, 2001).


I am not a fan of blue-eyed Caucasians but just posting about Eastern Europe Muslim. I think around 1990s during the Balkan war many Bosnians were also sheltered in Malaysia and some of them were adopted by local families. Muslim could be of any appearance and color like black, yellow, red, blue or white. Bosnia was included into Ottoman empire in 1463. The large population of Bosnia embraced Islam in the first 200 years of Ottoman Empire ruling.

By the time Austria-Hungary occupied Bosnia in 1878, the Habsburgs had shed the desire to re-Christianize new provinces. As a result, a sizable Muslim population in Bosnia survived into the 20th century. Albania and the Kosovo area remained under Ottoman rule until 1913. Previous to the Ottoman conquest, the northern Albanians were Roman Catholics while southern Albanian were Orthodox Christians. By 1913, the majority of Albanians were Muslim.

Apart of the effect from a lengthy period under Ottoman rule, many of subject population embraced Islam as a result of deliberate move by the Ottomans as apart of a policy in ensuring loyalty of the population to the empire and avoiding Venetian invasion. However, Thomas Walker Arnold mentions in his book The preaching of Islam: a history of the propagation of the Muslim faith that Islam was not spread by force in the areas under the rule of Ottoman sultanate. Arnold explains the way on how Islam was embraced by Eastern Europeans through the quote a 17th century author who states that:

"Meanwhile he (the Turk) wins (over those who embraced Islam) by craft more than by force, and snatches away Christ by fraud out of the hearts of men. For the Turk, it is true, at the present time compels no country by violence to apostatise; but he uses other means whereby imperceptibly he roots out Christianity..."

The quote was taken from a Christian so the wordings is also according to what he understood from his view on his religion which is Christianity. However, it shows that nobody force nobody to accept Islam in Ottoman Empire period. Even if I found my friends who wanted to be converted to Christianity, I would myself help him or her to access the church of his or her choice because there is of no use if the faith is not in the heart though there is knowledge with him or her. In this matter we talk about the soul too : ) 

Sealed with prayers for mercy, peace, and love, amin!

Monday 28 November 2011

Migration: Knowledge is the Light

Assalaamu'alaikum wa rahmatullah

Before I forget about what I had listened I better keep it a record as a witness for me before Him. We are still in the spirit of Lunar New Year and Hijrah. I had just tuned the radio at quarter part of the lecture but never mind, we still can benefit from little things that we get, His Will. I am actually afraid to directly mention Him because I feel unworthy but I am referring to Him, haha.

Says Ustad Hajji Roslan, in term of the knowledge we have al-Furqan which is the scripture, al-Furqan is another name for the Glorious Quran which means the Divider. It separates the Light from the Darkness. It shows us which is the right thing which is wrong. Prophet Muhammad s.a.w was once asked, what is Islam? He mentions that Islam is the Creed and Faith, the Way, and the Morality. To lead us to these three matters, we need knowledge. The knowledge about these three matters for us to understand what is Islam. For us to migrate from chaotic situation in our life, it will never happen without the knowledge about the Creed and Faith, the Way, and the Morality. Because we have knowledge about these three matters and not all of the people acquire or searching for these knowledge, we could only see a person who wants "Islam" but other 50,000 persons reject it. The real success does not actually come from wealth but from the faith.

In Malaysia, we talked about bohjans, bohsias, minah rewangs, mat rempits and others. These terms are used to refer to teenagers who have no real goal in their life but searching for entertainment to satisfy the emptiness in their soul and they get involved into social problems. The ustad advise everyone to stop creating terms which shows the destruction of civilization of nations. Let us create again the civilization and reconstruct the society may we be safe in the future. We won't receive salvation without the knowledge about the Creed, the Way, and the Morality. We are only Muslim by our names and family. We are worried that without the migration of the knowledge, we may lose "Islam" but only having the name. Few times to come, perhaps the time will come where people would also consider Islamic names for example Muhammad, Abdullah, 'Ali, and others are outdated. This had already happened in many parts in the world. If we only have Islamic names, we would never receive Salvation. We could see how many people with Islamic names but involved in social problem and we feel sad because of this. We never follow the prophetic traditions for example about the process of expounding the knowledge to people in Meccan and Medinah period. That is the basis which determines people into the migration. We want to see these again in our society and nations where it could develop civilized nations.

The moderator then continues, it is important to take into notes that the pre-condition to be a human is with the knowledge. Without knowledge, a human-being is not yet a complete human-being. Wherever we talk about knowledge, we will also talk about the importance to migrate toward the knowledge. The knowledge is the right of the God. As long as the knowledge is bringing us closer and please Him, we will go for it. 

In the sense of migration and the challenges that nations are facing in the era of globalization, we do not want our life to be filled with the culture of hedonism and living only a luxurious life having fun without having to think and stimulating the mind with knowledge. The thing which completes our life is the Creed and the Faith. Prophet Muhammad s.a.w, companions, and disciples migrated to protect the Creed and the Faith. The paternal uncle of prophet Muhammad s.a.w, Hamzah r.a had also embraced Islam when prophet Muhammad s.a.w was beaten by another uncle which is Abu Jahal. The questions that popped out from Hamzah to Abu Jahal sounds: "What is wrong with you that made you beat Muhammad? Is it wrong for him to remind people to worship the God? Is it a big sin? Once again you hit him, I will be the one who tear your head down!"

My opinion, this event also shows that Abu Jahal does not want to leave luxurious life as a noblemen because the people who listens to Muhammad s.a.w mostly are paupers, the meeks (as what Jesus had mentioned), and those who were tyrannized. People who had no worldly attachments. Muhammad s.a.w bring the knowledge about the God and the Faith to Him. He does not bring the way to make profit or getting money. The Creed and Faith mold inhuman human to be human with Mercy and Love. I am not sure if Europeans and Western World could understand this. Their way of thinking is also influencing the world through globalization and its tool which is media. What red neck Protestant Christians and other Christian organizations are teaching regarding these instead of trying to blacken others?

Ustad Hajji Zamri Hashim discussed about the challenge faced by people in term of protecting the Faith and the Creed. The Creed is important and very precious. If a person knows to correctly evaluate things, his act will also be correct. To make people understand about choosing the right values, we give everyone an example. If I am holding the RM50 banknote at my right hand and then I crumple it with my hand. Then I hold a nice and fresh RM1 banknote with my left hand. Later I call a person to choose which one for him to take. Of course he would take RM50 though it is crumpled right? Because it is more valuable than RM1 though it is crumpled. But if I show this to a kindergarten kid, perhaps he will choose RM1 at the left hand. So, every man with the mind and consideration knows how to choose and later act.

Because of choosing the right value too, Mashitah was thrown with her family into a boiling hot water. Masyitah is the title for the lady who served Pharaoh family during Egyptian civilization period. The Pharaoh had declared his Divinity where everybody must worship him as a deity. She was reported by a princess of Pharaoh because she unintentionally mentioned Him the Lord of Israel while her comb had fallen down and not the name of her father. She and her family were boiled alive to death in the hot boiling water by Pharaoh official through royal decree and she is mentioned by the God in His Revelation as to honor her Faith. Western world should also take this as a lesson, though having no faith in this because what happened in the past we can't see with our eyes. What Western world had done to the World in the past and still continues today. Fellow beloved brothers and sisters, we could also learn from this honorable lady, Mashitah. Me and my younger sister is also pressured with the needs to "find money" and even people close to us telling us to forget Him for a moment and leave His commands behind... How could we forget Him when we love Him? :')

- Second series of the lecture in Masjid al-Bukhary, Kedah Darul Aman.        

Sealed with prayers for mercy, peace, and love, amin!         

Love to the God Love Everyone - Huda

Assalaamu'alaikum wa rahmatullah

Special thanks to video maker myiera04 and singers 

While trying to finish up the assignment about European Language Issue and Policy, I listened to the song by Huda sisters. Feel quite tensed and trying to recite some verses to speak with Him too. The song is in Malay and titled Sayang-Sayang which means Love. It's basically the advice for children to love everyone. I can't remember when did I first listen to this, hahaha. Last time, I feel nothing when listening to this. But when I am pressured like this I only rewind everything in my mind.

The lyrics more or less says... 

Love the God, love the prophet... Love father, love mother... Love the God, love the prophet, love the father and mother, dear the God.

Let us little brothers and sisters listen to this advise. Check on our attitude don't be arrogant. Purify our selves, purify our soul. Follow the the order of the God and leave His prohibitions. Let us love the God, let us love the prophet.

The good morality is the morality of the prophet. Hardworking and fast in assisting others, working hard to get knowledge. Always giving to others signifies generosity. That is the tradition of the prophet, the most appraised. Love the God, love the prophet.  

Dear little brothers little sisters, keep in your memory father's contribution to us. Respect him, it signifies love to him. His sacrifice is so big. He finds sustenance to let us grow up.

Dear little brothers little sisters, remember to love mother. She bears us with love, educate without feeling bored nor exhausted. Her face is still cheerful. Go to mother give her a hug, that signifies love. Love the God, love the prophet.

Let us love each other. Love our family, love our neighbors. Among families love neighbors. Love the teachers, love the friends. Love your country, love everyone. Love the God, love the prophet. 

Too bad I was not growing up in this kind of situation of Love. My schoolmates were hostile and cold to me too just because I didn't get along well with them due to some differences. Urmm, they didn't actually accept me. Teachers just know how to condemn and humiliate. But not trying to find approaches to help problematic kids. This is not to condemn teaching profession because it is a respected profession but as a self reflect so that teachers could also improve their methods of teaching and psychological approach. Do I care about those kids and teachers who treated me badly last time now???? No, I care nothing... hahaha. I don't even remember their names if I could only remember the tortures that they had cast over me.

Just telling people on what happened 13-15 years ago in our educational institutions. This is not including what happened in primary school. It is terrible... I can't even imagine myself returning to schooling times. It's like returning to hell even when I try to reckon what happened. I can't even find any nice memory at all while I was a primary school student or secondary school student. I'm sure same things happen everywhere in this world. Not unique here but people like us no matter whether the kids were bullied by others, receiving hatred remarks from others, being looked down upon, and others are isolated. Some might commit suicide, or end up as thugs.

However, I wish and pray to Him may future generations of brothers and sisters could receive His Love and Mercy. Just don't be like us the older generations, treat everybody and among yourselves nicely. That's just our fate and we have to bear with it :') People might think I am a retard listening to children's song, hahaha. Who cares... I'm already a retard since long. Even more bad I have to work hard to hide my retarded characters because society were judgmental, full of negative criticisms. This is the period of negativity I guess.

Sealed with prayers for mercy, love, and peace, amin!

Sunday 27 November 2011

Arabian Chronicle: Lakhmid Kingdom

Assalaamu'alaikum wa rahmatullah


Here comes again the series of Arabian Chronicle. Today we talk about Lakhmid kingdom. It is an Arab kingdom in Iraq established around 2nd C. After the death of Bukhtuasar (Nebuchadnezar), the Arabs who were located in Hirah combined themselves with the people of al-Anbar in Iraq. For some time span, the city of Hirah was emptied and no Arabs walked passed there.

How Arabs Settled in Iraq

All of Arabian tribes from the sons of Ismael and the sons of Mas'ud bin 'Adnan gathered with the inhabitants and they settled in al-Anbar. After that, the descents of the sons of Mas'ud bin 'Adnan and other Arabian tribes spread to the areas of the state until they reached Tihamah. Later they were separated from each other because of civil wars. Due to that, some of them went out from Iraq to Yemen or to the east of Syria. They tried to find fertile and wide provinces to settle down. Some caravans went down to Bahrein and in Bahrein there was already another caravan which had earlier settled down known as the Azadi.

Long time passed, they feel the importance to go for Iraq and entering fertile lands there. So, they waged war with Persians who were powerful at the border of Iraq and some of the Arabian tribes associated themselves with Persians. They had decided to went out together and trying to avoid misunderstanding. The first person went out for Iraq from the Peninsula was Hiqaar bin Hayq. He went out with his tribe and his servants. They found that, there was already earlier inhabitants in Iraq such as the Armenians who came from Babylon settled down near Mosul today. The Armenians were in battle with the Ardoanis. The Ardoanis are the people of a little kingdom where their houses were built in a tiny land inside walls. 

The Beginning of Lakhmid Kingdom

The narration of Thabari mentioned about Amr bin 'Addy who was the initiator of the Lakhmid Arabian kingdom in Iraq with Hirah as its capital. His name was first mentioned in the book of Arabian history as an Arab king of Iraq and all of Iraqi Lakhmid kings claim themselves as his descents. The royal family of Lakhmid came from the Nasr dynasty. Amr bin 'Addy became a king until he was 120 years old and he has full power over his kingdom. He subdued all the close areas. However there is no mentions about he had proclaimed that his kingdom was a tributary state to kings of Ardoanis. Those Ardoanis too never were subdued by Hirah. Thing began to change after the coming of a Persian whose name was Arjasher bin Babak. 

Kings of Lakhmid Kingdom

Ibnu Khaldun had mentioned that after the death of Amr bin 'Addy, he was succeeded by Imrul Qays bin Amr bin 'Addy which is his son. During that time, the Lakhmid had already spread their influence into Hejaz and the Arabian Peninsula. Imrul Qays was known as al-Bad'oo which means the earliest. He was the first representative of Persian tributary states of Persian empire and an Arab king who was first baptized as a Nestorian Christian. He passed away when he was 114. 

Al-Mas'udi records that Lakhmid kingdom with Hirah as its capital has 23 kings of Nasr dynasty, other Arabian tribes, and of Persia. It lasts for about 662 years 8 months. The king of Lakhmid according to this historian began with the name of the son of Munzer, the descent of 'Addy bin Nasr bin Rabi'a. Later, the descent of Lakham bin 'Addy bin Sabaa'. It denotes that they were originated from Yemen. After Juzaimah was assassinated, Imrul Qays succeeded him as the king. Then, Imrul Qays and succeeded by 'Aws al-'Amaliqi from the Amalek tribe. Later the Amalek tribe controlled the court until they were overthrew by 'Amr bin 'Addy bin Nasr. The descent of Amr bin Imrul Qays (Imrul Qays II). He was known as al-Muharriq (the burner). Then he was succeeded bin Nu'man al-A'war.

Nu'man al-A'war had ordered the establishment of the palace known as Khumaq and Sudayr. He ruled for about 30 years. Later he went out of the palace and dethroned himself to be a hermit and he was a Christian. At that time, Persian empire was ruled by Baheram Yazdajad. Nu'man was replaced by al-Munzer bin Nu'man. And then by Aswad bin al-Munzer. Aswad had won the battle with Ghassanide Arabs in Syria.

Aswad was succeeded by his son, al-Qamah. And then, al-Qamah was succeeded by Imrul Qays bin Nu'man bin al-Mukhriz who killed the king, Sinimmar. There was also kings from Kindah dynasty such as al-Harith. And then another king, Qabus bin al-Munzer bin al-Munzer bin Maa al-Samaa.     

Then come back to Nu'man, the kingdom was later ruled by the Lakhmid after his death. It began from 'Iyas bin Qubays from Thai' dynasty. This is how the kingdom gets its identification as Lakhmid kingdom. Six months 'Iyas bin Qubays ruled and the seal of prophethood, Muhammad s.a.w being ordained as the messenger of the God.

After 'Iyas, Zadawayhi bin Mahsaan became the king in Hirah. He's from Hamdan tribe and is a Persian. Then the Lakhmid replaced him, and the king's name is al-Munzer bin Nu'man bin al-Munzer bin al-Munzer Maa al-Samaa'. He was known as al-Majroor.  

Sealed with prayers for mercy, peace, and love, amin!

Saturday 26 November 2011

New Year 1433 H Event in Masjid al-Malik Khalid

Assalaamu'alaikum wa rahmatullah

Souvenir from the event, a Hijriyyah calender so I could also check prayer services time and try to be as early as possible in prayer hall waiting to see Him : )

Before the Maghrib Prayer Service

I regret that I had missed congregational prayer service in masjid this morning. They had conducted a lecture there I can't remember delivered by which Habeeb. This evening, rain fallen quite heavy. I had made a mistake by going to Sungai Dua without bringing clothes and hygiene stuffs where I could just clean up myself at the shower at the side of the masjid. I had some meal at the Thai restaurant at the alley near the KFC of Sungai Dua. I had to walk back to perform ghusl, wudhu' and clean up everything because we must be clean both physical and spiritual to enter the holy boundary as a mean to respect Him. Then walk again to the masjid.

I just wanted to pray to the God for the better future which also includes my future in the hereafter. Also praying for other brothers and sisters either Muslims or non-Muslims for their life to be blessed. So, I don't care about the rain and I never try to get any help from others in term of borrowing their transportation. I am not really close with people here anyway because I always feel afraid to say goodbye to friends. I regard friends the same as blood brothers and sisters. When I was a first degree student, brother Mijie and brother Duwe had also offered me their motorcycle but I just politely refused their offer. I feel bad to burden them though they don't mind. I just want to make sure that my heart and intention is purely for Him. We can strive hard to get certificates for better job or better life improvement but to sacrifice ourselves for Him is hard? He never asks us to give Him money, kill ourselves for blood nor anything. Just surrender to Him, our heart because He is the Most Compassionate full of Love and Mercy : )

The masjid people had also recited Yaasin Surah and the supplication to end the year and beginning the new cycle of year 1433 H. At home, parents and second sister would also go for masjid and pray there. I did that to respect my parents though I am in the distance of 400-500 km from home. I am aware about acts mentioned in valid Sunnah. I keep hadith books as well as Quran with me where I had immediately get them while performing hajj and I memorize some parts of 40 hadiths. Still in the process and this annoying political administration studies had also delayed my memorization. 

I also try to translate some important books into other languages when I am free for example Chinese for Malaysian Muslim Chinese compatriots but it hasn't finish yet because I need to check terminologies used and record them as not to commit mistakes of Orientalists. Second problem is that I am just using pen and paper because I don't know how to install Chinese application in this lousy computer, hahaha. We must be fair to Oriental brothers and sisters. They're all equal brothers and sisters. I intend to send them to some non-Muslim Chinese friends and pay them to type. Then just print them out and distribute them for people's personal use without sending them to religious departments but first I need to neatly check it as to make sure it is a right translation. I had already tried to access federal religious department but so far nothing in response and I know they have few Muslim Chinese translators too. I just observed that, Sunnah Islamic books' translation into Eastern languages is so limited except in the languages where the people are in majority Muslim. If it is not legal, then I would silently send them out maybe to Taiwan, Hong Kong or to Japan pleading help from friends out there to send them to masjids and Muslim families. Doing everything alone is actually very exhaustive but what to do. We have no choice.

Basically it is a good way to recite any surah of the Glorious Quran together because we could listen to others' recitation and we could also recite aloud without feeling shy because nobody care about our voice when we recite together. Usually some fellows who listened to Muhammad Abdul Wahhab followers' lectures would be harsh to their parents but I choose not to be harsh because I don't like to be a blind followers. I read Muhammad Abdul Wahhab however I am not his devotee. I am a devotee of Allah 'Azza wa Jalla and I sincerely proclaim my testimony on Muhammad s.a.w prophethood. I respect all the Salaf as-Saaleeheen and all the guided teachers including the ahlul bayt.

After Maghrib Prayer Service

I didn't get the first unit of Maghrib prayer service because I had already been late. I regret myself so much for that. Then, people listened to a lecture delivered by the religious officer of Kedah state Islamic Guidance Department, Ustad Muhammad Isa Abdul Rahman. It revolves around Hijrah and it went on for about half an hour. I just sat at the pillar and trying to hide from people because I don't want to be spotted recording notes because it is shameful, hahaha. But I was busted by an old resident of my hostel now. He was a Geophysics student. His name is Sayful and is now working in Bayan Lepas. I don't know how he recognized me. Because I hardly talk with people nor noticing people because I hate to show my face to people. Already experienced many things and the recent one in my current hostel last semester. So, I don't feel any importance to be tied to people around or knowing so many people. My name is also not important.    

Lecture Notes

It mentions that Hijriyyah calender is very important thought it was designated by Umar al-Khattab r.a. It was marked by the event of migration by Muslims after the prophethood of Muhammad s.a.w into Medina al-Munawwara. It is based from lunar calculation unlike the Gregorian calender which uses solar calculation. When we record important events such as matrimonial, birth, death, and everything related to life and death, we use Hijriyyah calender. An example, a divorcee sister may count her 'iddah (period after divorce) with Hijriyyah calender before she get marry again with the man of her choice. 

We must take heed on the importance of the terms used in the Glorious Quran. Hijrah or hegira signifies the migration from evil to goodness. From hideous traits to good traits. We do not want to associate Quranic terms with filthy or non-related matters. The Islamic Guidance Department of Kedah for example had issued a ruling for the term used in Islamic rituals should not be used in others' rituals. For example the term Qubur had been differentiated to Jeerat. Qubur and Jeerat both means cemetery but Qubur is Muslim cemetery while Jeerat is the term for non-Muslim cemetery. I remember that my dad had once scolded me because using the term Qubur to refer to non-Muslim cemetery because they are very particular with terminologies and language used. The term tahallel for example is used for Muslim supplications and the Buddhist should use the term phra paritt for their specific ritual because they indeed chant phra paritt during the ritual and not tahallel. As to say, hijrah means the migration where we transfer from evil to goodness.

Other example is the term of ulama' which generally means scholar. But there lies a hidden meaning of it where a scholar is a scholar who fear the God so he never distort the teachings for himself nor practicing out of what he preaches. A person with a knowledge is different from 'ulama. A person who learn Islamic knowledge but has no fear to the God is not an 'ulama (scholar) but just a person who had accessed the information. They could do whatever they want with the information that they have but they are not scholars. A very nice explanation by the ustad : )  

The lecture emphasizes the importance of terminologies and meanings of the word. The ustad also brought the quotes from Ibnu Katsir exegesis. The prophet Muhammad s.a.w mentioned that there is no more physical migration after the re-opening of Mecca to the Light of Revelation. But a person who live with the discipline like in Ramadan though he or she is not fasting because it is not Ramadan could still get the merit as equal as the merit of Ramadan. He or she eats only physically and spiritually clean food but leaving doubted and illegal foods. So do the migration event. It never happen anymore but the concept of migration is still there.  

Regarding illegal things like the ketum or kratom leaves or biak leaves in Kedah, it is advised for public to stay away from it. Kratom (Mytragyna Speciosa) is a kind of leaf which is used as a drug to cure fever but could be harmful if used excessively. Ustad said that don't misuse the drug and turning it into a crack. It is illegal or haram especially they soak it with the cow dung. Cow dung is not a kind of food.

Migration to study, spreading, and sharing Mercy and Love to others is counted as a migration. The person who migrates for these courses will be classified as muhajir (immigrants). While those who receive them are the ansar (the helpers). The honorable Imam al-Ghazali mentions that a dangerous friend is an ignorant friend. Because an ignorant friend loves his friends but he is ignorant and does not know about what is legal and what is illegal. Ustad explains in Kedah people tradition to serve guests with raw salads, rice, and other food stuffs. Raw salads is very important in Kedah people cuisine where they would dip them with sauces such as sambal belachan (shrimp paste sauce). He explained that the ignorant friend might pluck leaves at trees on others' lands to prepare food for his friend and it is spiritually illegal.     

The right on Guidance is the right of the God. It is not the right of human-being. When He is Willing and Pleased to open up the heart of a person into His Light, then it is His Will. For example the person will strive to seek knowledge and he will be released and entered into the Abode of Peace. We take opportunity on the teachings. If we've got little, then little we benefit. If we've got a lot, then a lot we've got. Perhaps from the little thing that we've listened could help us in the future or giving us some understandings. The ustad mentioned about his experience where Muslims in Singapore had accepted the ruling by the Guidelines from the mufti of Singapore that they could perform rituals with the recycled water as Singapore has no fresh water supply. The mufti has to think on the consequences of the nations in his supervision. 

Says the member of wisdom, Luqman al-Hakeem, a knowledgeable person who fears the God will be blessed with extra knowledge. Luqman al-Hakeem lives in the time of prophet David a.s the ruler of Judah. He was granted with a vision and dream by the God where he was asked to choose to be a prophet of the God or a member of wisdom? Luqman al-Hakeem had chosen to be a member of wisdom and not a prophet of the God. Luqman al-Hakeem had passed 20 advices to virgin girls. 

There is a merit for an immigrant who migrates from the chaotic land to a peaceful land. There are few matters related to immigration which is accompanied by merits and they are: 

1. Migration to protect his or her faith when being tyrannized by rulers
2. Migration to seek knowledge
3. Migration for da'awa and spreading love, amity and mercy
4. Migration from evil to goodness, from vice to charity and chastity, leaving illegal for legal matters
5. Migration to the way of the prophet s.a.w in performing shariat (way of conducting life)
6. Migration to protect one's dignity

It is not easy for someone to leave his or her land when we had already feel accustomed with the environment around. However as Muslims, our life principles is always revolving around the God. The God is always with us. Even if everybody had left us alone, the God is still with us. It is also not easy to migrate from bad habit to good habit. This event of hijrah by the prophet Muhammad s.a.w and Muslims in Meccan era into Abyssinia and Medinah signifies both physical and spiritual matters. In the matter of protecting one's faith, faith is not something which can be bought nor could be sold. It is in the heart and only the God has the Power to turn it upside down. Protecting faith has the merit as the merit of migration from the tyranny of old days.

The condition of repentance had also has something to do with migration. A person have to migrate from a place which leads him or her to vices and illegal acts. For example a drug addict must migrate from his old place to the new one which will lead him or her to goodness. The ustad had mentioned that he had tried to write and distribute the sermon about the danger of smoking but many of imams in the masjid in Kedah had refused to read the sermon but reading other sermon because imams also have the habit of smoking. So, migration from bad habit really need perseverance and strong will. It is not an easy matter.    

The event of Isra' and Mi'raj of prophet Muhammad s.a.w was actually the event which tests the strength of the faith of those who would later perform migration to Medina al-Munawwara. It means that a person who wants to perform migration needs a strong-will, determination, and strong faith. When we try to please the God, even if it is only a common act of worship, that should be ok in order to migrate to a better situation.

When we preach da'awa, we try to find person who wants to listen to us. No matter who listens to us, the person who listens to us actually is a person who is honored by the God. The God had mentioned about honorable companion of prophet Muhammad s.a.w who is so determined to learn the teachings of the God though he was just a poor blind man, which is Abdullah bin Maktum. He was honored by the God in surah 'Abasa. Teach to people who are willing to listen and those who are not willing just leave them once we remind them. Medium of da'awa today could vary according to technology that we have. We could also use text message system to message friends.  

I did texting messages and calling some friends though some of them (my Kedah and Kelantan compatriots) had humiliated me but never mind. We should never take people seriously but forgive everyone as the God forgives us our sins. How did the ustad knows this??? Maybe lots of people are using the same way, recycling messages, hahaha. I just typed what I feel to friends and I love to wish people around well-being because I was unfortunate when I was a school kid and nobody really cares about me. Usually the wishings come right away from my heart though sometimes I feel shy to tell them but I just send it without thinking about my self anymore. Let people be happy and enjoy and I would also feel happy for them : ) I don't like recycled messages.

Abdul Malik Karim Amrullah had once stated that: "When a human was born, he is crying while people are laughing to receive him. But let people cry when the human is dead but he is smiling because of the goodness that he had left for everyone around to share." 

Ustad mentioned also about the figure of Libya, Umar Mukhtar who was illegally hanged to death in front of public by Italian imperial power in 1913 at the age of 70 years old. Umar Mukhtar was an 'ulama of Libya. Umar Mukhtar had said (with his faith) before he was hanged that let people hang him. People who hanged him will never be known after they hang him, but he (his soul) will smile because he had united his people and his resistance to Italians was that because the Italians had did wrong by plundering people lands. A righteous person never even pluck leaves from others people land which thrust into the fence of his house.

Now, Italy is a member state of European Union and death sentence is not according to human rights but what these countries in the Union would do regarding the people who were killed by the governments before the establishment of the Union or before their ascension into the Union? Where are apologies and confession from civilized nations? I lose respect to these countries and nation-states. I am so sorry.


They prepared some refreshments for congregations which are some breads and beef dhalcha mixed with eggplant and potatoes. Urmm, I don't really like beef but it has no smell in the dhalcha so I think it is ok and I'm not a Buddhist anymore so what beef has to do with me? There is also a guy who currently live in Aman hostel which was my previous hostel and despite of his eyesight problem, he still come to congregational prayers and attending the event in the masjid. I am so amazed with his spirit and wishing him a good future may he be blessed too. This is another dimension of migration despite of what is understood in the West. Western world had claimed Christianity as their tradition but they never implement the morality of the Christ where the Christ had once said blessed be the meek. But Western world are craving for comfort, materialism and tyrannizing others in the name of 'civilization.' I don't believe any Christ followers exist in Western world when they talked about it in their discussions for example the discussion of Geert Wilders. He's not a Christ followers but a stinky politician. My advise to fellow Muslims in Europe, respect locals and maintain your faith. No need to show off to people nor looking down on others.

Allahumma salli 'alaa Muhammad, wa 'alaa aali Muhammad. Sealed with prayers for mercy, peace, and love for nations, amin!      

Friday 25 November 2011

Inner Secret of Fasting

Assalaamu'alaikum wa rahmatullah

Just a reminder for myself and sharing to beloved brothers and sisters may everyone be blessed. I had been very sad when my classmate of Palestine talked about the importance for me to take food because I used to fast. I realize about that, I am tiny and skinny unlike other build-up men. Even if I do not live in Gazah, but poor people are everywhere. I was a poor kid from a poor family when I was a child where we were pressured by the life in a big city (Kuala Lumpur) if not as big as New York city but it is still a city and a capital of a country. I am used to skip my meals and sometimes just taking veggies. Lack source of protein from malnutrition where I didn't take fish too. I was traumatized to see blood from the fish when I was a young child, hahahaa. It develops to be a habit now. I tried to take fish especially those with scales but I just can't so I avoid meals which consist fish or other seafood if I could sense them.

I never recommend others to perform intense optional fasting except to some friends that I know whom are memorizing the Glorious Quran as it is a way to ask Him to pour down the wisdom. It is for their own benefit to protect the "Quran" in their heart because nowadays the bearer of the Quran is very hard to find. I am just concerned about their well-being and wishing them luck. Just fast every week, two days in Monday and Thursday "if free." And obligatory to fast full month in Ramadan if able. I am also trying to memorize the Glorious Quran again after I had left it. I just recommend everyone to perform middle path as Islam is the middle path, no less, no over the limit. We just be human-being, not angel and not demon.

Even when my mum tried to fast too because she saw me did that, I became very angry. I don't want her or anyone to feel exhausted. I did that because I wanted to slow-down my mind from negative thoughts and as an offering for Him wishing He forgives my sins and my grandparents because I think I had wronged them. I didn't have the chance to apologize to them except that I only saw "grandpa" in dream during quarter of Ramadan 2009. Now I also began to feel bad that I had wronged parents and burdening them because I am still stuck here and they would have to support me while I don't want them to worry... :'(

Virtue of Fasting

Indeed the fast is only virtuous due to two significant concepts:

1. It is a secret and a hidden action. No one from the creation should be able to see it. Showing off cannot enter into fasting.
2. It is a means to subjugate the enemies of the God. It is due to that, His enemies embark upon the son of Adam and misguiding them through desires.

Through the notes, we know that the fast is a special quality which is not found in anything else. And that, it makes people close to the God as what He says in the Quran: "The fast is (only) for Me and I will reawrd it."  This connection is enough to show the status of fasting in the view of the God. Similarly, the Ka'abah is highly dignified due to its close connection to Him as what had been stated by the God: "And sanctify My House."

What strengthen the desires? Eating and drinking strengthen a wild desire. There are many reports indicating the merits of fasting and they are all well known by everyone.

Recommended Acts of Fasting

The pre-dawn meal and delaying in taking it is preferable as well as hastening to break the fast and doing so with dates. Be generous in giving during Ramadan Mubarak and try to increase charity according to the way of the messenger of the God, Muhammad s.a.w. Try to study the Quran while fasting and perform i'tikaf (meditating in masjid) during fasting. During Ramadan everyone could also perform this while free and increasing charity in the last 10 days.

In two valid hadiths, mother Aishah r.a reported: "When the last 10 days (of Ramadan) would come, Muhammad s.a.w would tighten his waist wrapper and he spend his night in worship, waking up his family for prayers." 

The scholars mentioned two views concerning the meaning of "tighten his waist-wrapper":

I. It means turn away from wife (or husband for sisters in faith).
II. It is an expression denoting prophet's eagerness and diligence in performing charity to offer to the God. 

During Ramadan, there is also special exertion in the last 10 nights where Muhammad s.a.w was seeking the Night of Power or Leylat al-Qadar as what is mentioned in Surah al-Qadar.  

Explanation of the Inner Secrets of Fasting

There are three levels of fasting...

1. General Fast

It is refraining of the stomach and private parts from fulfilling their desires through this discipline.  

2. Specific Fast

Refrain from one's gaze, tongue, hands, feet, hearing and eyes as well as the rest of the body from committing sinful acts. These acts of protecting parts of body is to protect the heart and mind from those which lead to negativity.
3. Further Specific Fast

Heart's abstention from its yearning after worldly affairs and thoughts which distance one away from the God as well as its abstention from all the things which associates the God with them.

Characteristics of Specific Fast

From the characteristics of the specific fast is that one lowers his gaze and safeguards his tongue from the repulsive speech that is forbidden, disliked, or which has no benefit as well as controlling the rest of body parts. 

A hadith reported by al-Bukhari mentioned: "Whoever doesn't abandon false speech and the acting which leads to it, the God is not in need of him leaving off his food and drink" (Saheeh Ibnu Dawud, Tirmidzi, Ibnu Majah). 

Another characteristic of the specific fast is that one doesn't overfill himself with food during the night after the breaking of fast. Instead, just eat in due measure, for the son of Adam doesn't fill a vessel more evil than his stomach. If a person were to eat his fill during the first part of the night, he would not make good use of himself for remembrance during the night. 

In the same manner, if he eats to his fill for pre-dawn meal, he does not make good use of himself until the noon. It is because excessiveness in eating for what is intended by the fast is that one savours the taste of hunger and becomes one who abandons desires. 

Characteristics of Further Specific Fast

Know that the one who has been given intellect, knows the objective of fasting. Therefore, he burdens himself to the extent that he will not be able to do that which is more beneficial than it. Ibnu Mas'ud would fast very little and it is reported he used to say that he would grow weak in prayer if he fast. So, he prefers the prayers over optional fasts. Some of the companions mentioned that fasting optional fast would weaken them in their recitation of the Quran if they perform optional fasting. So, they observe less optional fasts until they were able to balance their recitation. Every individual is knowledgeable of his condition and of what will rectify it. Choose to perform what is important first in optional acts of worship.

Recommended Fasts

Everyone should know the preference of fasting is established in certain virtuous days. Some of these virtuous days occur every year such as:

1. Fasting Six Days of Shawwal
2. Fasting during Arafah Day
3. Fasting during Ashura
4. Fasting during 10 days of Dzulhijjah and Muharram

Some occur every month such as:

1. Fasting during the first part of the month
2. Fasting during the middle part of the month
3. Fasting in the last part of the month

Some occur every week:

1. Monday
2. Thursday

The most virtuous recommended fasting is the fast of prophet Dawud a.s. He would fast one day and break his fast the next day. It serves the three objectives:

1. The soul is given its share on the day the fast is broken.
2. And on the day of fasting, it completes its worship in full.
3. The day of eating is the day to be thankful to the God. 

Fasting day is the day for patience. While our faith is divided into two halves that of the thankfulness and that of the patience. It is the most difficult struggle for the soul. It's due to that, every time the soul gets accustomed to a certain condition, it would transfer itself to that.

As for fasting everyday, there is a report by Muslim from the hadith narrated by Abu Qatadah which says, Umar r.a asked prophet Muhammad s.a.w: "What is the case if one were to fast everyday? So, prophet Muhammad s.a.w answered: "He did not fast nor did he break his fast."

This is concerning the one who fast continuously, even during the days in which fasting is forbidden. So beware with this. Check the calender and ask the guided teachers. Don't do anything without consulting nor getting the knowledge because we have Quran and Sunnah. If we have no knowledge, we must acquire ones and don't just blindly follow people without evidence. 

In South East Asia and South Asia, there are many spiritual movements which do not come from Quran and Sunnah basis but from Hindu-Buddhism roots as they try comply within local customs and traditions but they had forgotten that religion and custom have a thin line which differentiate them. Just be careful of who are the teachers, it means don't simply follow without further researches. And the God knows everything better than others.

Source: Mukhtasar Minhaj al-Qasideen
Translator: Isma'eel bin al-Arkan
Editor: Abu Khaliyl

Allahumma salli 'alaa Muhammad wa 'ala aali Muhammad... Sealed with prayer for mercy, peace, and love, amin!

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Happy New Year 1433 H

Assalaamu'alaikum wa rahmatullah

Despite of feeling anxious because of the thesis and classes right now, I am still trying to approach the God our Lord and dearly Friend. I wish that the God listens to my prayers and releases me from this worldly torments which trying to harm my heart. Muharram is the month where we are forbidden to act with unlawful acts such as waging war or quarrelling. Usually in Muharram I would try to fast as many days as I can but this is not obligatory! 

Last time when I talked with brother Eidan, we also share some traditions among us. Brother Eidan is not a Muslim anymore and he is a Jew of Hadrami Arab descent of Johore state as he had chosen to follow his mum's religion. I am so sad because last time I could talk with him about my anxiety and asking him to pray for me though we are of different Shariah (Way) since I also have the faith in the prophethood of Moses (as) the prophet. Now we had lost the contact. I always feel him like a mirror to myself. He also feels the same when we talked to each other. We share similarities in term that we do not have many friends, we are of the same paternal ancestry, we share some points of traditions inherited from ancestors and prophets, and most of all I could not mingle well with people around because of some differences due to past experience that always made me feel down and low-estimating myself just like him while he was the citizen of this country. 

Now, brother Eidan is not in the line anymore because he has to serve his country and I am actually very angry with his country because forcing my friend and a brother to serve the country at a young age and too bad that I could not hang out with him when he was in this country. I actually feel that nobody could accept myself too just like his experience but I am not a Jew but a Muslim who share the same faith and scripture with other nations here. I always think again whether my sins are actually harming me? I was taught not to blame anyone but only myself if anything wrong happened to me. I tried to ask forgiveness from the God and always questioning my faith to Him when I am in tribulations like now. 

Each time we meet new friends and people, but each time we also will go our separate ways when the time reaches us. My seniors had also departed from me. My colleagues had also departed from me. I had already lost contact with Amir whom was my close friend and classmate. He is also my long-lasting friend but I think he is struggling with the changing phase of his happy life (teenage way of thinking) to the new one (adulthood). I had already undergo this experience and will still struggle until He takes me away from this 'beautiful' world into His Mercy, may He be Merciful to my soul and brothers and sisters. 

I am just taking this opportunity to wish brothers and sisters Happy New Year 1433 H which will fall on this Saturday. I know some would say that this is a bida'ah (invention) but worshiping Allah together in a congregational prayer services in the masjid for everyday is not a bida'ah right? Remind everyone about valid sunnah but don't hurt people feeling by just stating this and that as bida'ah (invention). Provide evidences or else we are also considered as committing bida'ah to call other brothers and sisters with names. Dividing brothers and sisters by calling names is bida'ah and haram where we had already declared our testimony of faith to Allah (the God) and His messenger and servant, Muhammad (saw). Talk with everyone with love and mercy. Our Lord, the God is all-Merciful and full of Loving-Kindness. 

Sealed with prayers for mercy, peace, and love, amin!

Friday 18 November 2011

Maqasid Shariah: Definitions

Assalaamu'alaikum wa rahmatullah

Pao Gong, a justice figure of China's Song dynasty who serves the court during the reign of emperor Renzong

Once again we are in Yom al-Jumu'ah which is the day we congregate together as brothers and sisters. The sermon delivered in the masjid today is once again about Shariah Islamiah. After my first part thesis being rejected over and over and considering that I have to do it once again after few times struggling, I think that I hate human idealism. This human idealism that I am studying is making me far from my Beloved One!!! 

I regret that I could only get C in my Shariah paper recognition for STPM (A-Level). I just learned it in a framed one year after returning from pilgrimage in holy Mecca where I've got His guidance while it needs me two years for basic understanding. Last time, I had escaped Thanawi papers because I didn't believe in Islam as I had misunderstanding regarding society and the religion though I know about basic principles and memorized things. I learned both Islamic studies and Hindu-Buddhism sastras in the same time but I just practiced Buddhism rituals while I was alone. If I could not be a Qadhi in the future, perhaps I could still be a transmitter of Shariah sciences as apart of my Qurbana (sacrifice) for Him. It's not for myself but only for Him. It's all my fault because I was not patient. Please forgive me dear Good Lord, please don't hate me : (

Coincidentally, the sermon today also talked about the weaknesses of human idealism as compared to Revelation from the God according to our nature. I lament it in myself while returning to my room because I am not a believer of Western idealism nor feeling amazed at their values. I can't even use anything from Revelation in my research which could harmonize and purify, at least my own mind if not useful for others.

Let us continue on few other definitions of maqasid shariah...

Definitions of Maqasid Shariah

Contemporary scholars such as al-Imam al-Shatibi who is synonymous with maqasid science never provide specific definitions for the term maqasid shariah or objective of the way. It is because he thought that everyone understood the concept and the term itself.  

Definition of Ibnu Ashoor for Maqasid 

Ibnu Ashoor has defined maqasid as: "referring to every understanding which could be seen at legislation that had been provided through Revelation as a whole as parts of it." It means that maqasid does not really defined with the specific meaning of observation for the legislation. It refers to these examples such as bringing benefits, rejecting evil and crimes, and there lies the concept of equality among human-being in every prescription of the legislation in the Way.

Ibnu Ashoor had divided maqasid into general maqasid and specific maqasid...

i. General Maqasid

It has been seen in obligatory legislation which generally involves individual.

ii. Specific Maqasid 

It refers to methods used in Shariah to brings public necessities into realization through individuals' acts. For example, the legislation on the act of recording debt negotiations in financial area.

Definition of Maqasid by I'lal al-Fasi

He defines maqasid as: "The goal of Shariah and the secrets of the legislation for every judgement in Islam." Al-Fasi has also divided this into two which are the general and specific objectives. The general objective refers to the goal of Shariah while the specific objective is referring to the secrets of the legislation.

The definition however was criticized by Dr. Iwad bin Muhammad al-Qarni. He criticizes that the definition by saying that the usage of the word "secret" is not suitable because the word does not representing maqasid in an absolute way. Sometimes secret could be an objective while in certain times secrets are not objectives for something.  

Definition by Ahmad al-Raysuni

Maqasid refers to goals of the Way which everyone is striving to achieve for the benefit of human nations. Al-Raysuni had divided objectives more discreetly compared to the above definition setters. He divided it into three which are the general objective, specific objective, and branches objective.

i. General Objective

Objective which is taken into account through the light of the Way in order to decide on all or the majority of legislation of Shariah. For example, the concept of al-Musawah (equality) which exists in all of the Shariah legislation.

ii. Specific Objective

It has been taken into account by the Way in order to decide on something or few groups of specific legislation. For example, legislation related to family and matrimonial.

iii. Branches Objective

It is taken into account by the Way in order to decide over specific legislation such as the legislation decision on matrimonial as a tradition. 

Further Discussion on Definitions

What had been discussed in the science of the origin of jurisprudence and the objective science is concerning the general objective. Specific objective became the topic of discussion by the legislators and jurists of the Way (Shariah).

Among those definitions proposed by scholars, al-Raysuni's one is considered as compact, precise, and covering over the concept of maqasid (objective) after being analyzed by today's scholars.

Conclusion of Definition

Maqasid (objective) of Shariah are the goals which is deemed by the Shariah to be achieved for the benefit of human civilization and society. 

Sealed with prayers for mercy, peace, and love, amin!
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