Saturday 27 August 2011

Comparative Politics Study Outline

Assalaamu'alaikum wa rahmatullah!

I had missed Dr. Azmel Tayeb's class last semester. He was one of my research methodology lecturer and quite helpful with his suggestions. I had planned to join his particular class for degree students to get some grasp about political studies in root level but unfortunately it clashed with my not finished German class. Such a waste. I don't know whether Dr. Azmil is still here because he's pursuing his further post-graduate studies and heard that his supervisor is somewhere in Australia so perhaps he's going for Australia too. 

I wish Dr. Azmel luck, success and thanking him for suggestions. Hope he doesn't feel bad when my proposal was rejected, it was not even his fault. It is a lesson for me, I learned a lot from all of them. I also would like to express my gratitude to Dr. Lye and Dr. Khoo. It is an honor to be a student under their supervision and guide. Thanks for the article in New York Times related to my research. I appreciate that too. Didn't get to reply his email yet as this Ramadan is quite hectic compared to last time though we are in semester break.
I analyzed again the course introduction and it's quite interesting. I'm going to keep it here for my personal study and search if I have time. Other than that, it would guide me to get those books in the library since I had already 'polluted', being an outcast, and could neither being recognized in any group of people be it religious or non-religious, hehehe. 

Objective of the Course:

- introducing students to important concepts in political science such as governance system, election, ideologies, nationalism, globalization, social movements, and etc.
- determining students to study in depth and critically analyze these political science concepts.
- students will be exposed to other countries' system of governance where those practical concepts implemented by the governments of those countries being studied and analyzed.
- understanding the details of the concepts introduced and implement the understanding in reality and not only in theory.
- making critical comparison on what had been covered through this course in the context of students' life as Malaysian.

Obligatory Reading Stuffs

- Comparative Politics: Domestic Responses to Global Challenges by Charles Hauss, International Edition.
- Short articles and papers' cutting prepared by lecturer and those kept in the university learning portal.
- Accessing free news of New York Times or BBC News.

Reading Sessions

Week 1st
- What is comparative politics? 
- What are its important concepts?
- How is it relevant to my life?

Week 2nd and 3rd
- Nation and state.

Week 4th
- WWE Death Match of the Week: Presidency v. Parliamentary
- The US (ch. 3 of the textbook) and Great Britain (ch. 4)

Week 5th 
- The hybrid system: Sacre bleu! 
- France (chapt. 5)

Week 6th
- Proportional representation & how to make car run on sauerkraut?
- Germany (chapt. 6)

Week 7th
- Communism that makes Marx roll over in his grave and die again!
- China (chapt. 10)

Week 8th 
- Nostalgic feeling about the good old days communism?
- Russia (and her former republics) (chap. 9)

Week 9th
- What of democracy is this? I just know how to demo!
- Indonesia (need to ask the lecturer, he is an expert in this topic)

Week 10th
- The festival of democracy in its fullest and most dysfunctional sense.
- India (chap. 12)

Week 11th
- We're Muslims but different. We even went to war to prove our point!
- Iran (chap. 13) and Iraq (chap. 14)

Week 12th
- The doc says weren't doing so well but we rather get the shaman's opinion instead.
- Nigeria (chap. 15) and Mexico (chap. 16)

Week 13th
- It's a small world after all.
- The EU and the ASEAN.
- Overview of international organizations and major global issues.

Outcomes of the course

- emphasizing on critical and analytical thinking ability so that people could see global social, political, and economic phenomenon with sharp and varied perspective.
- not accepting things at face value. 

Special thanks to Dr. Azmil for this course outline. I will inysa'allah, adapt this into my schedule in the semester to come as now the library is not functioning well. I regret for my inability to counter the limited time. I am so weak, dear the Lord!

Sealed with prayers for peace, mercy, and love, amin! 

Being Thankful to Everyone

Assalaamu'alaikum wa rahmatullah!

This morning of 27th of Ramadan 1432 H just after Fajr service, I heard a speech given by a preacher whom I guess a Thai in the mosque. He talked about being thankful and grateful to everyone around us. How many of us are thankful to our family member say a husband being thankful to his wife for helping him preparing his needs in daily life? About a wife being thankful to her husband for taking care of her. About parents being thankful to their children for being their children. About children being thankful to their parents for love, care, and education provided by them. And about servants being thankful to His or Her Lord.

Al-Qamah and His Mother

He re-narrated to everyone the story about al-Qamah and his mother from the report of Thabrani and Ahmad. Al-Qamah was young man, very diligent in obeying the Lord through salat, sawm (fasting), and charity. Then come a news that he fell ill. Day by day, his illness became serious. His wife met the messenger of Allah, Muhammad s.a.w to tell him that her husband is on deathbed. The noble messenger s.a.w sent two of his companions whom are Bilal and Suhaib to guide the person on his deathbed with the testimony of faith. When they reached the place, they both guide him to say: "there is no gods but only the God," but al-Qamah could not recite the testimony. These two companions returned to the messenger s.a.w and informed him that al-Qamah could not recite the testimony. 

The messenger and prophet of the God ask them: "is his parents alive?" They both informed him that al-Qamah still has his mother alive and very old. The noble prophet s.a.w sent the old lady a message saying that if it is convenient for her to come, then she should quickly come as he has something urgent to talk about with her. If she could not come, then the prophet s.a.w will see her. She could not come, so the prophet s.a.w himself went to see her. 

She was informed by someone that the prophet s.a.w had arrived at her house. She leaned to her stick with her while saying: "may my life be a ransom for him, it is my pleasure to see the noble prophet s.a.w." After they exchange greeting, the prophet s.a.w asked her: "o.. al-Qamah's mother, tell me what type of person is your son?" She answered: "he is a good person striving in salat, in fasting, and spending amounts of his expenditure for charity." The prophet then said: "tell me the truth is that only you want to tell me, dear mother!" She said: "I am angry with him, he had preferred his wife over me. He did not put together the food that I prepared for them while I visited them last time." Then, the noble prophet s.a.w said: "surely, your anger prevents him from reciting the testimony of faith in his deathbed." The prophet s.a.w later turned and said to Bilal: "o Bilal! collect a piles of wood. We are going to cremate al-Qamah." She asked the prophet s.a.w in surprise: "what do you intend to do, dear prophet?" The prophet replied her: "I will burn him in front of your eyes." She suddenly burst into tears saying: "dear prophet, he is my son! I could not bear to see him being burnt!!!" Prophet s.a.w said to her: "dear mother, the God punishment is more severe and unbearable! If you wanted him to be in happiness in the hereafter, be reconcile with him and forgive him on what makes you feel angry! By the One who holds my soul, prayers, fasting, and charity is of no benefit to your son if you are angry with him!" The mother announced her forgiveness and pleasure to her son in front of everyone saying: "dear prophet of the God, I call upon the God the Most High, His angels, and those who are faithful present here to be my witness that I am now pleased with him. I forgive my son on whatever happened." The prophet asked his companion, Bilal to go to al-Qamah's house to see whether he could recite the testimony. Just to check whether the mother sincerely forgive her son or not. Upon stepping his feet into al-Qamah's house, Bilal heard al-Qamah reciting the testimony. He was assured that surely al-Qamah's mother anger toward him had tied his tongue to pronounce the testimony. Only after the mother feel pleased and freeing her anger that al-Qamah could get pass away in peace. The same day, al-Qamah passed away in peace.

The noble prophet s.a.w came to his house and ordering everyone to help with burial process which includes the ritual cleansing of the body and shrouding. They performed the salat for the body and buried the body of al-Qamah. The noble prophet s.a.w stood by the grave of al-Qamah saying: "you had accompanied the migrants (meccans) and the assistants (medinans). If anyone favors his wife over his mother, the God, His angles, and everyone around be it invinsible or visible will anathematize him! The God will never accept his spending for charity and his righteousness unless if he repents toward the God the Glorious the Majestic, and reconcile with his mother attaining her pleasure. The God's pleasure consists in mother's pleasure while the God's anger consists in mother's anger." It appears that al-Qamah had actually forgotten to put together his mom's cooking while they had their meal together. He didn't favor his wife over his mother. It was just a misunderstanding event. May Allah forgives al-Qamah, his mother, and his family and be pleased with their souls. This story that happened in the history is to emphasize that a mother is an important figure in a family. Children have to respect their parents and love them as it is apart of the God's order toward His servants. 

For Jama'at-e-Tabligh members who have non-member parents, make sure that you pleased your mother and father before you perform anything. People have different thinking. Till now, I still could not reconcile with my Tabligh cousins from my mother's brother which is my uncle. They still view me, my father, and my sisters as ungodly due to that we do not wear attire like them, speak in their style of speech nor behave like them. Perhaps, I still look like a kafir (infidel) in their view. Little sister just told me that cousin sister who currently lives in Britain with her family had told me to remove some pictures which seems not nice to her when she checked my previous blog. I had forgotten to delete that old blog. I thought that I had posted something evil but it's just some pictures regarding my opinion. I'll just delete that blog and I just open it up for personal language learning class. It was an effort to increase my skill in the language during my first degree time. I don't need it anyway since people could already detect me. 

Luckily I had long deleted my facebook account. It is so not me when people know me. It is better no one ever know me or my faith. I love the God for Him and not for others to judge my physical appearance. For my cousin's view on me, never mind. The God will judge me and everyone. If I am sinful, it is His right to cast me down the torment in hell. I am already facing punishment now when my already in sorrow heart is scratched here and there. He has His full right on me. On the contrary, I have no right to tie His hand to put me into hell or paradise though He is Merciful.

Preacher Experience Interwoven to the Topic

I don't know what is the person who gave us this morning lecture name but I guess he was a Thai from his experience and from his Thai proverbs. He reminds me of myself too when he told the congregation about when he almost thought that Buddhism is the path for him as he was schooled in Thai system. I wasn't schooled in Thai system but I observe the environment and monitoring it myself. 

And he talked about how thankful he is when his parents sent him to madrasah in Southern Thailand memorizing tough things from Arabic grammars to other religious sciences after his schooling time. When he was a child, he almost thought that Buddhism is the path for him. Later, Christian missionaries with pamphlets about 'Jesus Love to be spread into Family' in their schools in Southern Thailand and he almost thought Christianity is a path for him. So, his parents had performed their responsibility and displaying love and care through his education. This is what I heard from him.

I don't think that those catechists had done anything wrong. They just perform their duty according to their path to evangelize and providing information to others. It would come back to individual ability to think, education provided by family, choice, and guidance from Allah. There is nothing to be proud of for others if a person embrace a certain faith. That is a personal choice for a particular person, we do not have stamp to identify whether we are Muslim, non-Muslim or others on our forehead though sometimes we may judge people from their attire or physical appearance. It is in heart, practices, and how we conduct our life. Allah will eventually judge everyone regarding which path He wants us to be with.

The preacher also listened to a great Buddhist guru talked about being thankful. I would just translate what he said in Thai into English. He said that the guru said: "servants need to be thankful to trees for providing us air to live, thankful to parents for incarnating us. Being thankful to food that becomes our meal." He said that there is no mention about the God in the guru speech.

Buddhist Worldview on Liberation of Soul and the God

As this teaching is also the teaching that I had previously learned and practiced, I would like to inform brothers and sisters on what I had learned as a matter of comparative studies if brothers and sisters are interested in the development of ideologies and religions. Buddhism never talk about any Supreme Being as to avoid speculating beyond metaphysical boundaries. Buddhists have some suttas dealing with this but not all of people reading that part. The goal for Buddhist, Jains, Sikhs and Hindus are alike. To achieve liberation from the cycle of life though they might differ in developments. Take note that cycle of life means hell and torments for physical cage. Physical cage is human body, or any other forms such as animals, insects, or plants.

As to achieve liberation of soul, they need to perform 'responsible life' in which they call it as dharmma. Life in this trailokiya (three realms) whether in hell, in the earth, or in paradise is determined by our deeds. That is called as karmma. When karmma is crushed only, a person will be liberated. So, the conduct of life is very important for them compared to know about the God as to avoid being harmed by karmma and reincarnated in the hell realm, the earthly realm or paradise realm in which a soul will stuck there for thousands of years undergoing tortures. There is no creation nor destruction in its greater cosmology. Since unknown period, there were many universe like this universe. When this particular universe being sucked out and blast off after the end of dark period of the universe. There will be other universe emerge. This process never stop and something which continues. It has to do with previous Brahman scriptures when talking about cosmology. I hope that it more or less helps enhance anyone who passed by here in understanding how some of your neighbors or non-Muslim friends view these worlds.

Importance of Morality and Religious Sciences   

What I could recall, the preacher said, there is of no use if a person or students getting good grades, study well if he or she knows nothing about morality. Or doing something without sincerity. Maybe he or she is forced by parents to study and getting good grades. That would be what his or her parents want. It is superficial. The more important thing is to educate children according to what is prescribed by the God through His scripture (Quran) and prophetic traditions. It is ok if our children do not do well in academics but make sure that our children have ample religious education. My previous lower six teacher had badly humiliated me in front of my friends though she studied in prestigious university in the US :'

He talked too about the analogy of fan at the wall or pillars in the mosque. If the moving fan is not attached to the wall or pillars, it will slash people's head down there. It is an analogy for ideology that we hold. When we hold something without any basis and guidance, it will harm others and ourselves.


What I could summarize from this is that, people today neglected soul in everything. Some are afraid and allergic to purification of soul until those who tried to purify their soul being condemned to hell through earthly lisaan (tongue). We have to be careful with our speech, our thought, and our acts. We'll be responsible with all of these in front of Him in the hereafter. When we do not care about our soul, then what is the mass? Can a mass move without soul? Take a look at stones. What happened when we scold the stone? Or talking to the stone or wall? Regarding soul, the preacher had used cellphone analogy with sim-card in it. Sim-card and processor in the cellphone is the soul and mind while the phone is the mass. Without the card, the phone would be of no use. This topic about being thankful to others also related to soul. When we are thankful and appreciate everyone close to us, we will be at peace. The world will have less war and fights. 

Thus I end this post and the record of what I had listened in the morning with my humble prayer for forgiveness for myself, my parents, my grandparents may Allah bless us all no matter where we are. I pray that His wisdom descends on everyone, insyaallah. Sealed with prayers for peace, mercy, and love, amin!

Friday 26 August 2011


Assalaamu'alaikum wa rahmatullah!

Hiraa Cave - 'Abdul 'Azim Green Rod

I tried to be patient when people playing sentiments with me last time, especially when it is regarding religious work or what we call as da'awa either to ourselves or to others. I actually always trying to remind myself about the God and praying to Him in my heart for faith. Sometimes situation and environment around really testing my faith to Him. It happened since I was a young kid.

Although I am not a religious science scholar or not even close to them who has the right to report about themselves but this is a personal site so I am just writing what I think. Since I have no one to talk with. I better talk to diary or blog. Thanks to google blogger for the blog although I am not a creative person nor am I skilful in computer. At least I know how should I express my feeling as an, I can say an orthodox Muslim guy who is trying to repent to Him. Now, I feel deeply sympathy to Anne Frank. I understand how she feels while being a refugee during World War II. She must had to underwent a hard time until it makes her talking to her diary. Though she's not from the same religion with me but she's also a human.  

Yesterday evening, I just messaged a guy representing those guys who had not telling me anything about what happened to them while last time they talked in the car after returning from the Bengal mosque bayan session about outing for India, that kerja agama stuff. One of them had loudly said to others that I agreed to go for India and that made me feel tied to the determination. Determination for me means the portal to promise. Promise must be executed, though death touching us. That is my principle. That's why I tried not to engaged with debt nor trying to do anything which lead to promise. If it happened then, I must go with it no matter what happened to me. 

After the brief session in USM mosque last Friday before the semester break, I just saw the guy but I didn't get the chance to talk or at least getting to know what actually happened. They are the first who came to persuade me to join them, so they should at least come and visit me. Isn't it their way? They would visit people they wanted to preach or persuade? I still feel upset with that though it happened last semester.  That is also apart of polite manner and adab for Muslims. I never consider myself as having any significance in front of others so I would just keep my silence but that does not mean that I am not listening or entertaining people if they come to talk with me. I am just keeping my silence and avoiding people because I had experience like this before and it happened again.

I thought that, they are 'real' brothers in faith. I had also silently read some muallaf sisters' and brothers' blogs. I believe they must also experience the same thing. I pray may the God grants them patience though I don't comment all of their blogs to show support. I am supporting all of them and always pray for them either those who are helping others virtually or through daily activities. Till now, I still maintain contact with two ex-colleagues during my degree time. I think only two of them still survive as contacts and friends if not close but by distance. Sometimes, I talked with one of them through messenger or messages. He never replied me. If I contact him by messages I never expect any reply but I know at least he know what happened to me and he actually reads me. I am not asking him to think about my troubles here but just someone to listen. Another one is my acquaintance in Israel and he is also a Hadrami. His experience is more or less the same like me, but he is occupied now with his religious duty and other things so we don't really talk much online. I can also tell the God or talking with His creatures around like angels while walking, but people might think that... I am crazy. Maybe I should just chant asmaa'ul husna while I don't talk with people around. It's better than looking at people face keep thinking.

That guy who persuaded me replied me messages, but the second message that I send telling him about what I feel is the last message. I don't reply to him anymore when he replied. I don't even read his reply message no more as I am so disappointed. I deleted all of Tabligh-e-Jama'at members' numbers in this hostel. I also deleted their contacts from my mail address book and messenger. Though they were nice to me and also teachers to me but I think I should only depend to the Holy God as my Wali. If He never replies to my prayers, but at least He is Holy and He is my King. I believe the God listens to me anyway. I don't have any problem with Tabligh-e-Jama'at. I know their founder syeikh so this is not trying to blacken them. This is just my personal story. And yes, I did listened many negative remarks about Tabligh-e-Jama'at members but not about the founding syeikh

My uncle is also a Tabligh member living in the Beseri Markaz in Perlis with his family. My eldest cousin sister which is his daughter live in the UK with her family. When they returned home during Syawwal few years ago, they do not even see our grandma graveyard. They looked at us as we were ungodly but they never stayed with our grandparents when they are sick. We looked after them, and grandparents didn't want to live with them because they are not close to them. My second sister too had encountered such experience when she went to Australia with her friend. They met this Malay Tabligh uncle, who is trying to matchmaking his friend to women introduced by our relatives who know that Tabligh uncle. That uncle talked without any manner to them like they have no basis about their own path and faith. But when looking at the uncle's daughter, she wears tube and dating her boyfriend. My sister just cynically said, why don't you match your daughter with your friend? That's her story to me, hahaha. 

Those kids just go without telling me what happened and only after that I know they had gotten job offer from an established multinational company although they talked to me last time about "duniya" this and "duniya" that. I get to know that from others. I do not know how they understood what they listened from their bayan but I had been exposed to all of these stuffs since I was a little child without having to be persuaded into a particular jama'at.  I also learned by observing around and life experience.

They have my contact number or even email if it is difficult to climb up a floor above their rooms or they are so occupied with matters around. Just write one or two words saying we are not going to the camp nor outing. That should be enough for me. That guy can call me last time when they wanted to invite me to join them, perhaps to fulfill their 'quota.' But to call telling me they are not going to the camp for few seconds is difficult. I do not think that it is wrong for them to pursue the job as they deserve that. That is His sustenance to them and they must be thankful to the God. I am happy for them, I am proud with them. But when I think back, I am just a worm which is minor in people's eyes. And that makes people simply play around with my dignity and promise. For some Arabs, though I am just a hybrid Arab, dignity and promise are very important. We may be poor, brethren, but we honor people and guests who come to us. I listened to the kid because he first came to me. I do not consider them as having low or high religious knowledge to preach to me. I just listen to the essence they are talking about without looking at who they are nor how do they look like. 

I mingled too with cleaners, Bangladeshi and Pakistani migrant workers, I eat with them. I befriend and talked to retarded students, thugs and I talked with other groups of people who are considered as sinful like gays, transgenders, and non-Muslims. I listened to Christians' sermons. Once, I was also educated by Buddhist temples and Buddhist gurus. They are all teachers to me. And I know how does it feel when we are alone and we are doing everything by ourselves without any company to even ask opinion or advise from others.

Last time I had also tested few friends and acquaintance who lived with me for two years in my previous hostels. And the result is they had forgotten people easily although we eat together, watching TV's together, and always chatting about many things. Like when I called a friend who's known as Ijo, and he just asked me again. Who's this? It means that my number is also deleted from his phone although we used to exchanged number and calling each other for lunch or dinner.

The same thing also happened with Jantr of Pendang, Pidoth of Sungai Petani, and Pak Ku of Alor Setar who were my Kedahan compatriots in our previous hostel. So, I believe I must also do the same. I just disconnect the line and simply deleted those useless numbers. I also deleted few other colleagues' numbers since I don't think their number or contact could be benefited either for Him or for nation. Simpan nombor pun buat semak saja sebab tak ada kegunaan atau tak ada pertalian silaturrahim lagi. There is of no use to keep numbers if there is no silaturrahim to be prolonged anymore. I am also thinking of changing my number and planning to work in Thailand after this so I would need to polish up Thai for interview and job purpose. I wanted to forget everything.

Furthermore, this issue of religious work is so disappointing and I feel that it had been mocked by people who call themselves as the practitioners of sunnah. Maybe sunnah for them only means brushing teeth with miswak, recording names for those who are willing to join their outing (maybe converted into a member) or wearing Bangladeshi style attire. For me, sunnah is more than that. Prophetic traditions teaches us to worship Him, morality, prayers and manners to deal with others. It won't be so much concern for me if His Name and prophetic tradition is not being brought together. But unfortunately...

As to say, people will use us when they need company, sad or when they need help. But they are in happiness or in luxury they tend to forget everything. Perhaps they are not always in solitary. If they always recite Muhammad s.a.w life, they would know how does it feel although they are not in the same situation with that noble prophet s.a.w. If I am in this kind of situation, I love to recite about his life chapter in the Hiraa' Cave.  

Now, I am just disconnecting myself from society again. It does not mean I totally isolate myself. I just don't want to talk with people anymore if there is no important thing to say. I must remind myself to quick finish my thesis or else I would just grab my Quran and reciting it without thinking about anything else. I hate this studies but maybe it is my destiny that I am in this situation.

May Allah forgive me my sins if my words hurt others. I am trying not to hurt others too, but human is never perfect. Although we are never perfect but try to reach perfection. I would also like to put forward my kamchiang (close) ex-colleague quote: "to forgive is to forget, leave everything that had happened behind and don't think too much don't bother with karmma though it might be differently to your concept of karmma." The last part, of this quote actually he means to me. I just can't see people in difficulties and that's why he urges me to leave everything behind. Good friends would not be easy to find brethren. Once you see good friends, just appreciate their presence around you. If no 'good' friend to be seen around, just befriend the God like our patriarch, Ibrahim al-Khalil (Abraham the Friend of the God). The God is the Most Good Friend over others. 

Anyway, what had happened already happened. We look for the future. Just forget it, next time I would be extra extra cautious with people around no matter how nice they are to others.                   

Allahumma salli 'alaa Muhammad wa 'ala aali Muhammad. Sealed with prayers for mercy, peace, and love, amin!

Thursday 25 August 2011

Purification: What are Impurities?

Assalaamu'alaikum wa rahmatullah!

The salat (proper prayer) is invalid without purification, thus our Path requires taharah as a pre-condition for the validation of salat no matter whether it is in the purification of body, clothes, or the places of ritual.

Ok, this is technical, but this is some portions of religious science. What is طهارة taharah? Taharah basically means cleaning or purification. Terminologically it refers to an act of purifying ourselves, our clothes, and places from حدث hadath and نجس najas. To purify ourselves from hadath, we would have to perform ritual washing like ghusl, wudhu', and tayammum which involves certain body parts or whole external body parts where water could reach. To purify ourselves from najas, we purify ourselves by eliminating filth at our body, clothes, and related places.

Before that, let me explain what does hadath and najas mean according to my understanding. If I am wrong please knowledgeable brothers and sisters who pass by help me correcting them.  I am here learning with dearly brothers and sisters too. May Allah grants everyone wisdom, insyaallah.


Hadath means impurity caused by certain events. Hadaths are divided into two which are:

Hadath al-Akbar

حدث الأكبر hadath al-akbar means that the impurity is of major events and need extra care. It requires such act like غسل ghusl. For ghusl, we have many types of ghusl. Some are سنة sunnah (optional) while some are واجب wajib (obligatory). Obligatory ghusl for example is required for a woman who had finished her menstrual term. It is also required for both male and female after intimate intercourse with or without ejaculation and others. Without performing this obligatory ghusl, a person could not be in contact with holy verses and could not perform salat.   

Hadath al-Asghar

حدث الأصغر hadath al-asghar means impurity caused by minor events. It needs only minor ghusl which is وضوء wudhu' or ablution. Before we perform salat, we are required to perform wudhu' too. Such impurity in this event is like farting. We will talk more about this in wudhu' section if Allah permits us, His Will.


We have few classifications on this matter. This ritual impurity also need us to perform specific cleaning according to our schools of jurisprudence. We could not perform salat or touching scripture without removing these ritual impurities from our body, clothes, or places to perform ritual like salat. There are three kinds of najas. We may divide it to another post too as not to make it haywire as some school of jurisprudence may differ with the other in non-principal matters. This is as to make sure that we emphasize only our school of jurisprudence is right will others are wrong without checking the basis of others' reliance.


So, these are some terminologies that we use in our everyday life. Sometimes, non-Arabic speaking people could not understand them. So, we try to translate them as possible as we can according to what we understood from our previous learning. Anything to add please kindly suggest it here.

If we could translate everything since the past, we would certainly do that even into Greek or Latin though it may take time to learn those languages as to learn a language is also to learn the philosophies of life and languages' worldview which are of course varies from a region to another.

Just to make sure that some who could not understand get better understanding in term of diversity in the world since world is divided to West and East and standard of the world is always being tagged to the West. I also mean diversity to our faithful brothers and sisters, not only to non-believers. Don't just nod our head when we heard about something. But do investigation and further studies. Just like our brother in soul, Salman al-Farisi from the land of Persia who searched for something that he heard of. May Allah bless his soul.

Let us set up again our own standard from the smallest ones for example hygiene to the biggest one with sincerity toward Allah the Most Highest in our daily life. Not only emphasizing on physical hygiene but also spiritual hygiene with good conducts such as avoiding bribery, integrity, checking the quality of our family life through scriptural and prophetic tradition prescriptions, concern about others' soul through services like business and etc. If we just say that Islam will dominate this and that, we do not really perform any service to the God. Instead, that is not true at all. Allah asks us to spread mercy, love, peace, and brotherhood to every creature regardless they are visible or invincible.

How could we dominate others while the dominion of the universe is with Him? Service to the God part of it is through علوم 'uluum (sciences and knowledge), تمدن tamaddun (civilization), and آداب adaab (manner and art). This is also a reminder for me. Hope it helps me to rise up again :' 

Thus I end this humble post with prayers for mercy, peace, and love, amin!

Wednesday 24 August 2011

Acts of Worship: Purification

Assalaamu'alaikum wa rahmatullah!

Praise Allah, we are still breathing today as everyday that He gave us is actually a chance for us to repent and to prepare better to see Him. As in the end, we won't be ashamed to see His glorious appearance. That is one of His countless grace.

As for introduction on how we Muslims perform cleansing before prayers and acts of worship, we actually have three kinds of cleansing. All of them are for formal prayers and worship. 

Three Types of Purifications

1. طهارة taharah generally is the purity of body and clothes.
2. غسل ghusl or معمد ma'amad which is major cleansing.
3. وضوء wudhu' which is an act of rinsing parts of body with water, most common one.

So, this is some short introduction. We will try to go deep with our notes if Allah permits us, insyaallah. Thank you for passing by, this notes is for everyone, may everyone be blessed.

Sealed with prayers for peace, mercy, and love, amin!

Monday 22 August 2011

OK, Repeating Paper...

Assalaamu'alaikum wa rahmatullah!

Gosh, I almost faint after I check back my postgraduate programmes guidebook. I still have to repeat the paper for European Union Politics and Decision Making because C is not a pass grade. We have to at least get C+ (2.33) for all of papers. Sometimes we feel like we want to return to the past and never take any risk but just stay safe. However I never opt for security but always fallen into this kind of situation :'(

Just for everyone to see, though Publick Learning Institution is 'free' for everyone, we still have to pay for everything. It just appears like convenient but in reality it is not. Nothing is free, not even our breath in this world. During our degree time, we just get the loan from National Higher Education Loan (PTPTN). It is a loan with 3% interest and after the introduction of Ujrah system which I am not really sure on how to calculate it. I just know that the 3% interest is reduced to 1% through this system. Since we are non-chosen students and of poor family, we borrow money from the national loaning system. I just took 15% of the loan for first degree and I paid the loan back even though I was jobless with my savings just few months after finishing studies. I just spend those loan strictly for studies. I never buy any motorcycle or trying to impress girls or friends with loan money. I didn't know that higher education is not a must for us. If I know about this, I would rather stay as an overseer or an operator in factory just after I finished my MCE. At least I do not burden others including our 'government' or society.

I always admire our labor compatriots working as lorry drivers, operators in factory or other kids who never have any opportunities to study because they know what is the reality of life down there though they might not know how to paraphrase in words due to the lack of education. I befriend with some of them like Wan who was a year younger than me. His hometown is in Baling. I get to know him when I took my driving license around 2009. In the beginning I thought that he was from Kelantan. The way he talked to me made me wanted to hit his face since I thought that he was mocking me trying to imitate my northern accent mixed with Patanese sound. When he told me he was from Baling only that made me more friendly to him as I know, that is the way they talk. He never sit for Malaysian Certificate Examination (SPM), but at least he is brave to come down to Kuala Lumpur to find job with little expenditure, with low pay, and alone without any friend by his side. I had lost contact with him but I wish him happiness, fortune, well-being and health always.

For post-graduate students, there are mini-budget something but last time I didn't get any access to it and now it's over. My computer skill is very bad. I just learned to manage this blog slowly. So, I just used my own savings from previous working experience to pay the fee. I was stingy with myself and I hold tight my belly, never spend my time with friends, nor outing to experience world around until I don't feel anything interest me anymore. I just went out these recent for rehlah with minimum budget and tight plannings due to that I was so tensed. 

Sometimes I helped my sisters or other friends. If they are generous, they would donate me something if no, then I do not want anything. I never ask money, I just help others to free them from burden. I understand people's situation. Sometimes my parents would financially support me, I can't ask them anymore since I am already a man not a kid. It is a shame to burden them, can't even see their face for being a useless child. So, when we pay ourselves only we know how much that we spent for our studies.

This is in conjunction with what had already happened in the United States and not to forget Britain regarding the increase in educational fees. Students may take this as comparison to the situation in their respective countries. We do not have welfare government here. I don't feel like migrating to Europe or any other humanitarian Northern countries like some 'barbaric' South Asian Muslims who wanted to turn other region to be regions under their dominion while getting the benefits out of European or Northern countries tax-payers' money. The only thing that amuse me now is only the God, though I can't see Him with my lowly material eyes. I am looking for Him and His beautiful Love.

In Malaysia here for post-graduate degree, we spent for a semester like this coming semester about RM3,880 which is around USD1308.16, EU904.20 or GBP792.27.  University fees includes:

Tuition Fees RM3,450 (RM150 x 23 units where 20 units are for our own dissertation cost)
Exam Fees RM345 (RM15 x 23 units)
Commuter Bus Service RM60
Health Service Fees RM20
Student Welfare Fund RM5

Total : RM3,880 

That is only for university cost and I know it is still considered as cheap when we convert our money to European or American currency but the living cost is not cheap. It does not include forced language class in the language center (enforced by the director of language center) and room rental in which we have to pay for every month and it is permanent for the years we are studying and having classes in here. 

Forced Language Class RM300 per semester (2 semesters obligatory course will cost us RM600)
Room Rental RM120 per month (we have to stuck here about 2 bloody years and it costs us around RM3000) 

Altogether total until the end to come is : RM10,000 (EU2,331.16)

To cover all of these, we perhaps have to work in convenient store or restaurants or in the supermarket like in Tesco. But it would take us our time and energy which also affecting us in our thesis working for little payment. Poor people like us could work even harder than Bangladeshi migrant workers and we receive same or even worse treatment like those migrant workers. Politicians up there are just talking like it is easy for them while most of them up above the rank never experience what we in the lower root are experiencing. They study abroad since young, they inherit their grandparents' feudal inheritance since colonial time and they maintain it in evolutionized form where now they become leaders of a modern country. Their children will so on possess that. Unfortunate once upon a time sultanate feudal lords' descents like us would still have to survive like other paupers, we do not properly get any inheritance from our elders.

In northern states like Kedah sultanate before the formation of Malaysia and other modern countries today through Atlantic agreement, there are people who were appointed as chieftains in districts by the sultan. These people act as the vassal lords for the sultan who controls the sultanate with his administration. The court of the raja of Perlis for example was descended of Arau district chieftain before they are appointed to hold the kingship for a separate state which was actually apart of our unified sultanate. I am not sure about other states in Malaysia but several federal politicians are the grandchildren of certain states' ministers, everyone knows that. Previously, these states in modern Malaysia were not unified under federal administration system like today though sometimes we would stuck in lame racial or homogeneity pre-colonial time issue when those politicians regardless what party they are representing play the issue to get vote. I began to understand all of these when I was stuck in form six classes (2005).  

As for me, to visit Thailand for three days or going out for local towns just for sightseeing, I have to really check my expenditure. Compared to Public Service Department (JPA) or Citizen's Trust Council (MARA) scholarship students in Europe or abroad for example who have sponsorship for them to visit other European countries or places if they are feeling tensed or releasing the burden in mind. I do understand, they deserve that. They study well and they've got good results having no problems during schooling time. Even non-Bumi fellow students too wanted that privilege. I am a Bumi myself since peranakan people are classified as Bumis and 'Malay' like normal Malays according to states' law and British nation-state recognition in police stations with officers from straits and federated states. I do not get all of those things first because I have no connection or acquaintances in certain department, and second I am not good in studies as in Malaysia we are judged from our examination and not from our thinking, no recognition for differences in ability and talent or real ability shown outside of the paper. I just consider myself as unfortunate. Instead, all of these things previously made me a boy full of hatred to the world until I had to submit myself to Buddha's teaching and trying to legally destroy myself according to meditation manner since I can't change anything when I was in my lower secondary education.

Next semester, our class would be full class and another next semester would be the same. Studying like this for me is a night-mare experience. I don't even use our university clinics instead I'm just depending on natural remedies, yet we have to pay for the fees in every semester. I had bad experiences with public servants in hospitals or clinics. I saw my dad was treated like white rat in the hospital. We have to sign the paper saying that hospital could put on surgery with him and making him as an experiment toy for medical students. Luckily mum refused to sign those papers though she didn't pass her MCE. This happened many years ago, before he was admitted to the National Heart Institute in 2000. 

My experience, I was almost dying with dengue and to check the symptoms at the medical assistant in the most sophisticated clinics in federal government territory took me in waiting from morning at 8:00 to 16:00 almost time out for public servants. There wasn't so many people and I never demand any VVIP treatment because I know who I am and my place. When I went into the room, I saw that the medical assistant was having his leisure time with yahoo messenger. I was affected by dengue symptoms for about three times. The third time, I almost passed out alone without no one realizing it outside of my school in Jalan Semenyih in Kajang. It is not my intention to talk about government weaknesses or public servants as government will always change. Nobody is perfect too. It is about the attitude of our society and morality. It includes everything such as systems and institutions around and how concern are our society to the environment. Institutions and systems are controlled by men.

When we try to tell them that we are suffering, they would pose up that there are many people suffering in the world. But those person who cast out those words are not experiencing what those people who suffer in the world are experiencing. People are not the same, their experience are not the same too. We do not realize about it unless if we are in their shoes. I remember I read the same thing, about Gautama Buddha who went out of his dad's palace when he saw samsarn (sufferings). He is the son of a king but he had lowered himself to experience what others' had experienced. Most of our politicians or people who always talk to others because they actually never know what others' had experienced in this country are "Muslims." Have they ever try to do what Gautama Buddha did? If Buddha is not an Islamic example, then have everyone of us really try following what our noble prophet Muhammad s.a.w did in his early prophethood time? Muhammad s.a.w was not a fortunate child too. He lost his father and his mother. Then many people that he love passed away leaving him alone without any support to preach Allah's teaching :'(

This is a bit of a local bumiputera student in a south east Asia country experience as a post-degree student lack of mobility. I believe other compatriots and fellow south east Asian countries' citizen must have their own stories too. Out of government help except for family support and generous friends' donation for now. Even, without any direct help from government, we still sacrifice ourselves for the nation, humanity and civilization without bothering our own comfort. I do not know whether I could apply for zakat and I do not think that we are eligible for that. Maybe we try to survive until our last breath because when we complain to human-being, we would only get nothing except for stigma. Menosia dah senang biasanya demo lupa orang lain... This period is the period of evil. We only believe in Allah and His teachings. If we can't survive, may Allah helps us with our faith to Him and His messenger, insyaallah... (I'm thinking of death, I miss it now)

Sealed with prayers for peace, mercy, and love, amin!  

Farewell Feast for European External Policy Class 2011

Assalaamu'alaikum wa rahmatullah!

From left that is me, didn't get to comb well my hair after running out of German class, hehe. On my left is Ong, Siva, Has, Celia from Spain, Mr. Benny and the guy with maroon shirt is Emad, our Palestinian classmate that I mentioned, hahaha.

At last, I could retrieve this picture and gratitude to Ong's camera. It was last semester event where we had our meeting after our class in Pizza Hut Sungai Dua. Special thanks to our external policy lecturer for the first part which was Dr. Benny for joining us. Frankly say, all of us enjoyed your class and we learned many things which we didn't even know before. 

I could say that your class is among the best class that we had ever been and all of the classes in European Studies are beneficial for us though they were quite tormenting since I can't really understand some of the lessons in the beginning because I had zero knowledge about regional Europe and political studies. Didn't get to capture some memory with Mr. Zainal and Puan Salfarina. Both of their classes are quite fun too. Wish Dr. Zainal enjoy his new post in Putrajaya. Hope to see you someday by accident maybe in Putrajaya, haha.

Just checked my result and I guess my eyes becoming worse. I thought that I do not have to repeat the paper of European Politics and Decision Making, adusssss!!!! I also have another semester to join another class on European Economic Integration as I had postponed it last semester because the burden of those heavy subjects had made me having a nervous crack down. Now I regret that coz I could just return home and simply find proper job for myself if I finish everything by last semester. It's tiresome to stuck in a place but we take everything that happen as Allah test. Must be wisdom lies behind everything.

Many thanks to fellow classmates who never forget me and always helping each other in term of revision for final examination regardless we are of different gender, age, racial, nationality and religious background. I wish Celia could pursue her ambition to be a lecturer and wish Emad could be Palestinian leader. Don't forget to invite me to visit you in Gaza with red carpet when you become a leader ya, hehehee.

Sealed with prayers for peace, mercy, and love, amin!

Sunday 21 August 2011

Western Regional Hill-Tribes and Bigotry

Assalaamu'alaikum wa rahmatullah!

 I would add Jews to this pic apart of Jesus whom always being used as excuse by pea-brain bigots in Europe. the West or simply self-hater Caucasian wannabe Asians since I don't care about whatever political problem happens in any region. This world will eventually being exploded because of this kind of people anyway.

Just returned from masjid for morning prayer service. I called little sister to ask her whether she had taken her pre-dawn meal and asking about our parents. We actually receiving an Italian girl whose name is Sharon Ferarri just after two European students temporarily staying at our house for their learning period whom are sister Daphne Dewitte of Belgium and brother Marlin Keilhauer from Germany.

To be frank, I don't feel amused at all with Europe or Western World which generally refers to Caucasians. I learned about Europe and I believe many of us did learned about this particular region in history classes during our form four or form three secondary level schooling time. It begins with Portuguese conquest on Malacca Sultanate around 1511 in the southern part of Malayan Peninsula today. And after that we also could see other South East Asian sultanate and Hindu-Buddhist kingdoms such as in Burma and Indochina Cambodia fallen down to British and French imperial power. Later we learned about Greek and Rome civilization which appears in the southern tip of European continent. We also learned about Caucasians of Asia like Persian empire during Malaysian Higher Certificate Examination which is equal to A-Level in the UK and Commonwealth countries. 

Back to the story about Europeans in our house. I had encountered many offensive remarks with these European kids. Though they are just kids but it also reflects their society weltenschaung (worldview) when those words jumped out of their mouth. Just heard my sister told me that the Italian girl called our mum a white ghost. It refers to telekung or white hijab worn by South East Asian and some Syrian women when performing prayer services. Last time, I was also introduced by brother Marlin to Achmed the Dead Terrorist. It's funny for them, and I don't feel offended at all but it might be offensive to others. It reminds me to bigotry issues and what I had read. It is also related to Orientalism studies by translators of Muslim scripture like George Sale or other scholars of European continent. Studying something to fulfill their own egos and not with ruhul qudus (holy spirit).

I personally see these people as hill tribes whom never see the world enough though from my learning experience as a master student in European studies, I learned that their system is the best one. Complete with recognition toward humanity in both political economy relation with other barbaric countries for example, China. Some of our people adore Europe as much as others whom arrogantly proclaimed themselves as ex-Muslim to preach their bigot ideology to others. 

Some of these people without tired displaying their 'experience' with Muslims which they found as barbaric to preach hatred to others while those people do not represent the whole majority of Muslims. I can see that those 'barbaric' Muslims are no different to these people full of hatred and ignorance. They are the same hill tribes but just from different regions. We also have this problem in Malaysia which had worsen our race relation. Malays might say bad things to Chinese or Indians, and so on in the other side. It is something to do with politics. People scratching each other faces and politicians baby-talking on the podium enjoying the scene while getting those idols (money, property, and etc) piled into their accounts and pockets. 

For those bigots who preach hatred to others, they perhaps are paid for their ideology. Money based ideology itself is considered as idolatry as we buy our comfort through hatred. There is no sincerity in them. I had many times listened to government servants here repeating 13th May event when they are not satisfied with people of other ethnicity. I am sick of these. It is like this world is segregated and nobody is right except of ourselves. It is true that bigots exist in Muslim society but other society too have this kind of people. It would be a cracking-head job entertaining these people except the God guides them to what they suppose to understand.  

When I talk about my faith and our prophetic traditions, I do not get any payment for this. I never have any intention to convert others, seeking attentions, and feeling proud if people accept the same faith as it is a victory to dominate others. Those are illnesses which tortures our mind and soul. I would just pray to the God to guide everyone through His mercy when people talking bad about our teacher such as Muhammad s.a.w. It also includes Jesus and Moses a.h.m.s as these two figures are also our prophets. I was a Buddhist by faith and ideology although my family are traditionally Muslim. It is from the environment around me, my readings about Buddhism from various sources such as religious notes which I gradually sought since I was a young child. I remember the first thing that I read regarding Buddhism was Tharmmachakra which means the Wheel of Dharma. I was not forced by anyone to read it or learn about it. Later I learned mantras and kathas (longer mantras). I memorized them for personal summoning purpose.

Some of our ancestors and people are missionaries originated from Southern Arabia who preached faith to South East Asian natives whom now consider themselves as born Muslim nation. It might be weird for others to see me radically have different thinking and belief since our people are the descents of Ismaelite Arabs whom were like the Jews, possessing religion and stubbornly practicing traditions from prophetic ancestral heritage. I had the same experience and perception before I professed the Three Gems. My perception was, Muslims are evil as I see their behavior is not according to what is preached, they treated me badly. I talked rudely to my own elders because of this narrow perception without considering others' soul and feeling anymore. I thought that I shouldn't be one of them.

When I faced problems as I didn't do well in secondary school exams since I was a problematic child with anti-social problem and could not easily fit in into society, I performed tapas (meditation) a lot and torturing myself without any food or drinks. I just want to die, being disposed away as ashes. From that point, I suddenly began to slowly realize what is my responsibility. I began to read tafsirs (exegesis) and glorious Quran without having to wait for others to tell me what those verses are talking about after mum advised me. I do not listen to what people say anymore but I prefer to experience everything myself. That is what lord Buddha had taught me although I never meet him. Never speculate if we never experience anything ourselves. Though now I repent and returning to the path of ancestors, I still have a huge respect to lord Buddha for the philosophies that he taught. I joined Tabligh kids rather than listening to what people say about this movement whether they are positive or negative. So, I would at least have my perception not from what I listened of others' or simply judging people from a narrow, short term mingling experience watching from afar. 

The main point here is that, nobody is perfect. Not even Europe who proclaims herself as a good system or model for other organizations nor Western unipolar world which refers to the United States. I have a headache learning about European Union which consists of different European nations though I am not an European myself. I have my personal perception toward Europe and I still think it does not really amuse me. But I accept others' idea about this particular region too. Even if it has a little good attribution, I will still mention it. We take good examples and we leave bad ones. What about bigots especially those in academic lines? Those bigots out of academic lines are hill-tribes for me, no different to those Bamiyan bombers in Afghanistan, rural India-Pakistan or in rural Mid East. Bigotry is a disgrace for academic tradition and wisdom. We just mention good part about ourselves, but our bad part we would hide it. Then we expose others' bad side to emphasize that we are holier. That is a bad habit I guess... 

What I can say when we encounter this kind of people, since they do not believe in the God... Just pray to the God to show them what they should see for themselves and what they want... Talk to the hand, they are just attention whores lack of love. Tak dak faedah pun layan.

Sealed with prayers for mercy, peace, and love...                     

Acts of Worship: Conditions to Perform Salat

Assalaamu'alaikum wa rahmatullah!

Source picture from View Iran.

For compulsory salat, we must meet these conditions which are:

A Muslim

Those who believes in the six articles of the pillars of faith are bound to five articles of the pillars of the law of life.


Possess sound mind and aware of what he or she is up to. A drunk person can not perform salat because his or her mind is not sound. He or she does not know what is she talking about when communicating with the God in salat.

Meet the Age Requirement

A person who reached 10 years old are bound to this article of the law of life (salat). Seven years old age is a good time to teach children to perform salat.

Pre-Salat Conditions 

Confidence on the Time

We must have confidence that we meet the prayer time for five times daily prayers. We may check the shadows under the sun for Dzuhr and 'Asr prayer services. Nowadays we have announcements in TV and radio for those who live in majority Muslim countries like in Malaysia while for those who live in the country administrated by non-Muslims like in Thailand or any other place, they could get the information or taqwim (calender) from their associations, centers and councils. No confidence although the time is correct, our salat will be invalid.

Facing Quiblah

Turning our face and chest facing the direction of Ka'aba in the city of Mecca. Those who are unable to perform this because of troubles are given leniency to face any direction since East and West belongs to Him.

Covering 'Awrah

It is compulsory for a men to cover from his belly-button down to his knees. For women, covering according to what is prescribed in the scripture for example wearing reasonably loose-fitting garment. It is a common sense. We are summoning the God and not flirting around looking for a date, taking part in miss universe, or playing snooker while performing salat. I had talked about this with my Muslim European teacher in her room too, it is regarding fashion. I am a moderate person, I don't judge people based on their looks or attire but when we perform salat or prayer it is not a sin to follow the prescription of scripture. When we perform salat, we are communicating and summoning the God. So, we must make sure that we are in proper attire. When we meet royalties, or VIPs, or in formal occasions or to Halloween parties for example, we perhaps wear proper attire according to their dress code or theme. But when we summon Him who has the Dominion over the Universe, should we just wear skimpy, stinky, and filthy clothes without any dress code? Summoning Him is not like when we go for the Cannes Film Festival. He is more than that. 


Pure from feces and physically clean. It means clean clothes, clean body, and the place to prostrate is clean from ritual impurity mentioned in scripture. There are jurists who summarized these into their kitab (books) for practices as to make it easy for laymen who have no time to revise, studying the branches of religious science or analyze the scripture. For Hanbali jurisprudence, the impurity at the cloth is still tolerated but I don't recommend it to others if we are able to make sure that everything is clean. A woman who are in menstrual state are given the leniency not to perform salat or entering prayer hall. It is called as holiday for women here. Personally I don't like to be close to women in menstrual state, hormones imbalance and they are quite moody. I can sense that from far without having to ask them, lol.

Ritual Purification

There are three kind of ritual washing. The first one is ma'amad or ghusl. Ghusl means shower or ma'amad means we dip ourselves into the river if there is a river or pond. Ghusl is a major cleansing. Then we have tayammum, for those who can't find water such as when the area is in drought or in desert. The most common one is wudhu' or ablution which is minor cleansing. We always see people perform this at mosque too before performing salat or contact prayer with the God. After we perform this, it is the state of pure from hadath. 


What is this? It means barrier from people passing by in front of us while we perform salat. It is best to have a barrier when we perform salat alone. It could be a wall or simply blocking the way of passers with hands. It is forbidden to walk in front of a person who perform salat, or walking between the barrier and the person who perform salat. A person may pass in front of person who perform salat in congregational row, usually in the mosque.  

I guess this is it for our note regarding pre-conditions to perform salat.  May it benefits brothers and sisters. I apologize for false words if it happens to pop out in here. We are just ordinary human-being and no perfect but we try to do as best as we can, His Will. Thank you for passing by, may everyone be blessed.

Sealed with prayers for peace, mercy, and love, amin!

Saturday 20 August 2011

Act of Worship: How We Perform Salat?

Assalaamu'alaikum wa rahmatullah!

I believe that there are many books and materials talking about this particular matter. I just want to revise again what I have in my head regarding this subject matter. When we keep our own notes, we tend to remember more rather than just reading. Salat is one among those basic things in acts of worship and core matter in pillar of Islam. If our salat is not perfect and we do it without understanding, we will face the problem regarding our daily life. This temporary life is the bridge for us to the hereafter.

First of all, what does salat mean? Salat means the act where we seek connection with the God. It is a formal prayer for us where we prostrate to Him with several rules. This word comes from the semitic root word which is صل sil. From this word only, we could derive many other words related to soul and connection between souls and the God such as صلاة salat, صلوات salawat, صلاة الرحيم silaaturraheem and etc.

In our national language, we simply say sembahyang when refering to salat. It literally means respecting the heaven. Hyang refers to anything up the heaven and our forefathers who came by to South East Asia since 10th C as missionaries had used local words used by natives when teaching the path to people around as to make it easy for everyone to grasp the essence of teachings. Northern Muslim Indians may say namas which means bowing to the God and it was derived from Sanskrit root word. When we perform salat, we are communicating with the God through these categories of acts...

Categories of the Acts in Salaat

There are 3 categories of the acts in salaat:

1. قلبِ qalbi which means heart and mental related to intention.
2. قولِ qawli which means oral related to recitation
3. فعلِ fi'liy means acts performed in salat.

These three categories can be seen in the pillars of salat which consists of 13 articles. There are also conditions which obligate a person to perform salat and also the condition for a validate salat. We could check it ourselves after we slowly learn about these, don't worry.

Pre-Salat Acts

First of all before we perform any salat, we have to perform ritual washing which is called as wudhu'. As for me, I am following the method of Hanbali angle of sunnah. Not much different to Syafi'ie jurisprudence. I would like to inform that, most Wahhabis whom most people in Malaysia always associate with those from Hejaz are following Hanbali method of jurisprudence. There is no such thing of madzhab Wahhabi and I also despise those 'Wahhabis' who simply accuse this and that as innovation because they are not masters of Quran, hadiths and sunnah while just depending on their syeikhs. I would talk about how to perform wudhu' maybe later if I am free and I could find my notes that I jot down. Those from Syafi'ie angle of sunnah please perform it according to the imam which you have your naqal (riding for practices) on him.

Pillars of Salat   

Basically, pillars of salat altogether consists of 13 articles in it. They are:

Beginning the salat

Standing straight

For those who are able to stand straight since leaning or not standing upright in salat will invalidate the salat. For those who can't because of illness, they may perform it in postures that they are comfortable with.


In Arabic it is called as النية an-niyyah. Usually we will recite the intention such as: "I perform this obligatory salat (the name of salat) (how many units) only for Allah the Most Highest." We also mentally recite it in our heart because heart is the place where sincerity comes. Niyyah is to make sure that we are aware that we are performing the salat.   

Takbeeratul Ihram

It is spelled like this تكبيرة الأحرام in Arabic. What does it mean? It literally means saluting to magnify the God. It is done simultaneously with intention. Raising our hands up to the level of shoulders. Our fingers slightly apart and touching earlobes. When doing this, we say الله أكبر Allahuakbar which means, the God is the Almighty.

Reciting the al-Fatihah

In every unit of salat, we need to begin with al-Fatihah. The first verse of al-Fatihah is بسم الله basmallah which means "in the Name of the God, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful." In obligatory salat, we must also recite another surah for first two units. But in superoregatory salat, al-Fatihah is sufficient. If a person could not yet memorize the Arabic version, just recite them in his or her mother tongue. But make sure to learn the Arabic verses for recitation time by time. Al-Fatihah is a supplication and it ends with amin.

In Every Units of Salat   

Ruku' and Tama'ninah

ركوع ruku' means bowing like we see the Japanese always do when greeting others. We bow after the recitation of surah al-Fatihah and another surah. What is طمأنينة tama'ninah? Tama'ninah is not my girlfriend, lol. Tama'ninah means tranquility or stopping for a second after we perform such an act like ruku' or others. While performing ruku' we will recite three times, سبحان ربِّىَ العظيم وبحمده subhaana rabbiyal 'azeemi wa bi-hamdihi which means glory be to the God the Most Greatest.

I'tidal and Tama'ninah

After we perform ruku', we will perform إعتدال i'tidal. I'tidal is standing again after bowing. While we raise up to stand again, we would raise up also our hands to the level of shoulders and saying سمعَ اللهُ لِمَن حمدَه samee'allahu li-man hamidah. It means, the God is listening to those who praise Him. Say ربنا و لكَ الحمد rabbanaa wa la-ka-l hamd which means our Lord, for You praises and say الله أكبر Allahuakbar before perform the sujud or prostration.


Prostration or سجود sujud involves seven of body parts placed upon the floor where we prostrate. Those parts are: bare forehead including the point of nose, both palms, both knees, and base of toes for both feet. While prostrating, we say سبحان ربى الأعلى و بحمده subhaana-rabbiya-l a'alaa wa bihamdihi which means glory be to the Lord the Most Highest and praises only for Him. For each unit of salat, we have two prostrations. Between those prostrations, there is a sitting posture. We say, اللَّهُمَّ اغْفِرْ لِي، وَارْحَمْنِي، وَاهْدِنِي، وَاجْبُرْنِي، وَعَافِنِي، وَارْزُقْنِي، وَارْفَعْنِي allahumm-aghfirli-wa-r-hamni-wa-hdini-wa-jburni-wa-'aafiniy-wa-rzuqniy-wa-r-fa'niy and it means our Lord please forgive us, and have mercy on me, and guide me, and support me, and protect me, and sustain me, and elevate me from evil

Concluding Salat

Sitting for Tashahod Akhir

Tashahod akhir must be done in sitting posture. It is the conclusion of every salat.

Tashahod Akhir

تشهد أخر tashahod akhir is the last testimony. We have several things that we say to conclude our salat. I just provide their meanings here as it is tedious to alternately write in Arabic. We would say: "the respect for the God, blessings and greeting and the goodness and peace may it be poured upon prophet Muhammad s.a.w." We then say, "the peace may it be poured upon us and to all of the servants of the God who are pious." Say: "I bear witness that there is no gods except the God, and I bear witness that Muhammad s.a.w is His servant and His messenger to us." 

Prayers for prophet Muhammad s.a.w and patriarch Abraham a.s
Then say the greeting and prayers for both prophets Muhammad s.a.w and patriarch Abraham a.s: "Our Lord please be in connection with our prophet Muhammad s.a.w and his family as you had been in connection with our patriarch Abraham a.s and his family. Our Lord, please bless our prophet Muhammad s.a.w and his family. As you had blessed our patriarch Abraham a.s and his family before. In the Universe and worlds, indeed only You are the One worth receiving praises and glory."

First Greeting 

We call this as duruud. Turn to the right side and say: "peace be upon you and mercy of the God and His blessings." Turning to the left and say the same to our brothers or sisters if in congregational salat service.


Movements are done step by step. Other movements and recitations while performing these steps are prophetic traditions (make sure they are with valid evidence). 

For Muslim brothers and sisters of Shi'ite branch, please refer Ayatullah's and Imam Ja'afar guidelines regarding articles of salat and recitations. I wish that we could get benefit from our learning, making us closer to Allah day by day.

Sealed with prayers for peace, mercy, and love, amin!

Friday 19 August 2011

Islam: Key to Perfection

Assalaamu'alaikum wa Rahmatullah!

Just listened to a short tadzkirah (reminder), as always delivered by brother Syeikh Abu Khalid from Medina University after Taraweekh and Witr prayer services. I had slightly changed the topic, it should be Islam is the key to paradise. I know few people do not really care about paradise but that is the promise of Allah. I don't think it is wrong as it is the sign of Allah's mercy, but people have different understanding regarding the reward and meritorious deed because it is also related to pure sincerity in worship according to their understanding.

It says that whomever choosing paths other than Islam, then they will be losers in this world and hereafter. Islam is His greatest grace to human and other creatures in the universe. In millions of human-being, Allah had chosen our soul to be Muslims. There are also millions of people who are not Muslims as they do not know about Islam or do not accept it due to misunderstanding. Islam is the path of our forefathers. I still remember I read in glorious Quran last few nights before sleeping. It says that our beloved patriarch, Abraham may peace be showered upon his soul had said his will to his children Ismael and Isaac, peace be upon them both.  It also applies to Jacob whom is also known with his other name, Israel.

Says Allah in glorious Quran reckoning our patriach's will to his sons: "And Abraham had his will to his sons, and also to Jacob. (Abraham said): "Dear sons! Indeed the God had chosen for you this path, thus do not you die except as muslims." (surah al-Baqarah: 132)

Allah also orders us to be in submittance in the path in which He says: "Dear faithfuls! Fear the God in the real sense, and do not you die except as muslims." (surah aali-Imran: 102)

In this sense, brother syeikh, said that it is not enough by physically being a Muslim. We look like a Muslim in front of others with Muslim name like Abdul Malik, Abdul Kareem, Muhammad, Othman, and others. But we do not follow the code of law taught by Allah in His glorious teachings. Many Muslims do not follow Quran and Sunnah (prophetic line traditions). It is not enough with Islamic names. We must make sure that we spiritually and physically practise Islam in our way to the abode of peace. 

There are two conditions for the perfection in submission to Him:

1. Niyyah which implies that we have to be sincere in our act of worship and life. It begins with sincere intention for Allah. We perform everything only for Allah and hoping to see Him.

2. Mutabi'ah which signifies that we follow the prophetic line tradition. This is what Muslims always talk about when performing act of worship including our daily life. We must make sure that we have evidence for everything that we perform. Do not do something out of prophetic tradition line in our daily life. We may consult evidences from tradition experts or ulamas (religiously knowledgeable persons) to confirm everything. 

We ask the God: "please forgive us our sins and errors. Make us firm in our path and give us strength to perform the covenant. Salvate us from the torment in hell and also salvate our parents and brethren through the God's mercy." Sealed with prayers for peace, mercy, and love, amin!!! 
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