Sunday 29 July 2012

The Importance of Da'awa : Part VI

Assalaamu'alaikum wa rahmatullah

What Can We Benefit from the Hadiths?

From the hadiths, we've got to learn few things. In the first hadith, it means that da'awa should never slow down. The weakness in da'awa mission will bring forth great disasters. And if the disasters came by, it would be difficult to halt it down. 

The second hadith explains that people have the responsibility to remind the rulers, those who govern a country and a nation, earthly kings and others who controls the legislation and administration system for them not to misuse their position to oppress or tyrannize others. The people and nations has the responsibility to prevent and stop the cruelty of evil rulers and struggle for justice and for the truth. This applies everywhere in civilized society whether in the West or in the East.

The third hadith mentions about the obligation to reprimand others. This obligation is mentioned in relation to the Faith with its levels as to show its importance:

1. With hand which means verbal acts
2. With tongue which means with words
3. With heart which refers to individual thinking

Nowadays, people could be very creative. They would also use technologies to remind others about their responsibility for example with social network sites, email, organizational websites, text messages, and etc. In performing da'awa, we should not be so rigid but being creative and simple without violating the prophetic traditions. Will continue here inshaAllah.   

The Importance of Da'awa : Part V

Assalaamu'alaikum wa rahmatullah

I thought that I had finished the part of the importance of da'awa but then there are few writings behind my notes' commentaries from what I heard and read. There are few hadiths for the importance of da'awa. InshaAllah we will try to put it up here for everyone to share.

The first part of the commentary interpret the meaning of the verse 104 in Surat Aal-Imran : "And they are those who achieve success..." Although in idiomatic sense, the translation of this text seems quite stiff, but we still can sense the content of the message. It means that those who are consistent in performing da'awa are the successful ones. Why? Because through da'awa, vices and crimes could be avoided and charity or chastity will continuously flowing in the universe and the nation will be the promoter of peace and charity around the world.    

Some Hindus View about Evil : Vaalmiki Ramayan

Urm, before we go further I have something to share here only for fun. During our discussion with non-Muslims for example Hindu friends. We also heard a slightly different ideas about evil or vices. They accept evil as a fact and maybe some of them were quite harsh when I talked with them but I am not a Muslim as per Muslim people everywhere talked with. I am not talking here and there to "convert" so I don't feel offended at all. 

I know about this notion since before I talked face to face with them and I didn't tell them my confusing background, hehe. I read adaptations of Ramayan into Thai or Malay and Mahabharat portions through Bhagavadgita. About the monster Ravann in the Ramayan, he was a Brahman and a devout devotee of lord Shiva Shankar. He knows about the evolution of the universe, the secret of spirituality and the path to heaven from earth that made him an emperor of the three worlds. He also performed the sacrifice and penance for lord Brahma until he was granted with the boon of longer life. The roots of his fall-down began when he had kidnapped Sita Devi, the wife of Raam and it is because his mental state was damaged by evil thoughts. So, there must be something wrong with a religious guy or religious-looking guy if we see them committing evil.  It does not mean that a person does not know about religious teaching. It is about at what time a person performs the act of charity and chastity? Is it continuously or at certain times?

For Muslims, Allah taught us to always pray to Him so our Faith would be strengthen and our spirit and soul would be purified through His boundless Mercy and Love.     

The Importance of Amar Ma'aruf Nahi Munkar

Now back to the topic, the beginning of the verse 104 in Surat Aal-Imran is also appropriate with the hadith from our noble teacher and prophet, Muhammad s.a.w. Reported by Hudzaifa r.a from Muhammad s.a.w the prophet says: "I swear by the Lord in which myself in His grip that we are commanded by Him to diligently perform charity and to diligently prevent vices and crimes. Or else the Lord will raise up calamity upon everyone. And you will pray to Him invoking help but He will never listen to it anymore!" (Narrated by at-Tirmidzie from the report of Hudzaifa)

Sometimes, da'awa has to be a little bit stern when there are people who are stubborn, refuse to leave crime and vices and spreading mental illness to others. It is mentioned through a hadith:

"The most principal above all is the struggle with the word of Justice in front of the evil and cruel administrators, governors or earthly kings." (Narrated by Abu Dawud and at-Tirmidize from the report of Abu Sa'id al-Khudri)

In another hadith reported by Abu Sa'id al-Khudri, it says: "Any one of you who sees something evil, crime or vice so he must change it to the good and proper one with his hand. If he has no capability to change it with his hand, then with his tongue. If yet still incapable, then change it with his heart. And with the heart, it is the weakest of the Faith." (Narrated by Muslim)

The last hadith from the report of Abdullah bin Mas'ud mentions that prophet Muhammad s.a.w says: "No one of the prophets sent by the God to nations who were not accompanied amongst the nations with companions and supporters who firmly supporting the traditions and executing the command of the Lord through the tongue of noble prophets. Then appear the descents (after them) who did not walk what they talk and performing what has not been commanded by the God. And for those who oppose these with his hand, they are the faithful ones. And those who oppose these with their tongue, they are the faithful ones. And those who oppose these with their heart, they are the faithful ones. After the heart, nothing that could be mentioned as the Faith even with the size of mustard." (Narrated by Muslim)

Sealed with prayers for mercy, peace and love, amin!

Sunday 22 July 2012

The Importance of Da'awa : Part IV

Assalaamu'alaikum wa rahmatullah

Religious Awareness

Some interpreters of the Quranic verses say that, what is mentioned as al-Khayri means the goodness which refers to Islam. Islam is about nurturing the Creed and Faith on the God. It includes the Tawheed (Oneness of the Lord) and Ma’rifat (Knowing Him). These two matters lead to the fact of religious awareness where ones could differentiate between goodness and evil.

Later, the feeling to incline toward goodness in the soul grows and it makes one having the courage to uphold the goodness and opposing the evil. If religious awareness is not yet growing in the soul, then the calling for goodness and opposing evil would be of no use since to differentiate goodness from evil is the teaching of the God.  

To bring da’awa into the effect, religious awareness is very important dear brothers and sisters. A da’awa with the notions of the halal (legal) and haram (illegal) before everyone are aware about the religion or the path would be in vain like a man who divorce another man’s wife.

In the Arabic text of Surah Ali Imraan v. 104, we could also see the word ummatun which means a nation or a group of people. There must be amongst you a nation. Another one is the verb yad’ouna which means calling or launching a call. It refers to the mission or da’awa. The verse could be understood that among millions of people who are known as Muslims, there should be a nation who becomes the inner part with a specific mission to perform da’awa to others. The life, the development and the marginalization of the Path depends on the da’awa.
The verse which says: “And there must be some of you a group (or nation) who call toward goodness and telling others to perform charity and to prohibit vices” is explained as the field held by the nation who perform the mission to call others toward the Path are two:
  • Mission among the nations who profess Islam as their Path.
  • Mission toward those outside of the Muslim circle.
Inward Da’awa

During the period of Muhammad s.a.w and few years after he passed away, Muslims could still receive the da’awa right away from Muhammad s.a.w himself or receiving the da’awa from his companions after he passed away. The law and principles which was not widely known were counseled and explained by Muhammad s.a.w himself. Later when he passed away, his companions took the charge and later the charge were passed to the teachers since the disciples period, the disciples of disciples period, the early period teachers and scholars, and to the recent teachers or scholars who continued the mission among Muslims so that they are aware about their Faith and Path.   

Outward Da’awa

Besides the inward da’awa, there is also the outward da’awa. The verse refers to the da’awa toward non-Muslims and to explain to them on what is Islam. What is the fact of Islam? 

Telling others about Islam is our responsibility. It is not the responsibility of those baseless websites or preachers who call themselves as the most qualified people on the earth to tell the truth about Islam or the God while they could not bear the tests of the God and that made them turning to this and that. 

In Malay language that we use in the northern Malayan Peninsula as our state’s national language, the term referring to these people is lalang. It means a weed. When the wind blows, the lalang will also follow the direction of the wind. It has no stance and no dignity like the weed that makes it easily being blown by the wind. The Arabic specific word for the term lalang is the munafiq. When we translate it into English, it means the hypocrite. People like these should just be abandoned, ignored and neglected.

The Definition of Ma’aruf and Munkar

As what has been mentioned before, ma’aruf refers to goodness, the act of goodness. It is basically something which is widely accepted by a good society. It is the obligation on a member of da’awa mission or the nation of da’awa to form a healthy public opinion on the nations through their acts and attitude.  A mission of everyone in a congregation of a musalla or a masjid.

Now, why some Tabligh Jama’at members thought that I am one of them? Because the basis of the da’awa is all the same dear brothers and sisters no matter from what order we’re from. That is why I translate our turooq in English as mission orders. The tradition that I am following is the same tradition which is practiced by the noble prophet Muhammad s.a.w and his predecessors.

Munkar refers to evil symptoms, evil and bad attitude of life. It is rejected by a normal and sane society. Da’awa always in co-existence with healthy society and a healthy society is the goal of human life. 

The normal human nature is to accept the goodness but rejects evil. If there is a society which rejects the noble way of life, then the society is not a healthy or a sane society. Goodness is for everyone's benefit. This is the fact of Islam. Islam is the nature of the universe.

When the amar ma'aruf nahi munkar which leads people toward charity and hinders them from evil stops, it signifies that the society is in danger and facing its disaster. Alhamdulillah, ending this part with salawat for Muhammad s.a.w : Allahumma salli 'alaa Muhammad, wa 'alaa aali Muhammad wa sahbihi aj'ma'in.

Sealed with prayers for mercy, peace and love, amin!

Saturday 21 July 2012

The Importance of Da'awa : Part III

Assalaamu'alaikum wa rahmatullah

Da’awa Fields

General Da’awa

There are two major fields of da’awa which are the general and the specific ones. The general one has many subs as the society is of different sub-sections. It is the da’awa in Muslim communities itself so that they may properly hold their religion and living it. Muslims are of varied society such as the farmers, merchants, skilled workers, labors and officials. Also the intellectual levels being considered as important such as those in the village, in the city, men, women, young, old, those with high academic achievements and those of lower education background. There is also the effort to explain the purity of religion to others as a general da’awa. It is characterized by the calling for others to understand the wisdom and the virtue of Islam and the teachings of Allah through Muhammad s.a.w. Sometimes it has to deflect nonsensical accusations and attacks by others made on the path.  

Specific Da’awa

It is the da’awa among our family member. Bringing the religious atmosphere into the family, educate everyone to obey the command of the Lord and competing to perform charity. Da’awa never stops even among us. 

I found that this is the most difficult part of da’awa dear brothers and sisters. People in my family are not as religious as our ancestors because time passing many had also disconnected from the teachings and forgetting who they are. They live like nomads moving here and there. They don’t care about religion, manners, traditions and customs nor bother to get help from religious teachers or listening to lectures anymore. Sometimes I feel like giving up because it is so suffocating and just run away yet I still feel pitiful to people around that stops me. 

When I talked with brothers outside of my family for example brother Idris in the hostel, he did listen to me and obeyed the sunans that I mentioned to him though he maybe knew about those things earlier than me. I feel so happy at least I know there are people listening for their own goodness and looking at them also reminding to perform worship for Him but they are not my family member.

Obligations upon Every Muslim to Perform Da'awa

In the verse 104 that we learned just now, we could see three obligations being placed upon us. I’ll put them in the form of points where the first one is the center which brings forth the following two:
  • Calling for ma’aruf or calling everyone to perform obedience to the Lord and perform charity.
  • Helping others to avoid munkar or vices and crimes through differentiation between what is appropriate and what is inappropriate. 
  • Calling for ma’aruf and reminding others about the disasters caused by munkar vices and crimes.
Sealed with prayers for mercy, peace and love, amin!

Friday 20 July 2012

The Importance of Da'awa : Part II

Assalaamu'alaikum wa rahmatullah


This is just a sharing with brothers and sisters in faith about the importance of da'awa according to the tafsir written by Mr. Abdul Malik Amrullah from Indonesia. I read his books since before my full repentance and trying to be a "submitting" Muslim again. My dad has a collection of religious books and literatures but he never read any of them. It was me who read them even though I was just a young little kid. One does not have to be labeled as a member of Jama'at Tabligh or Ikhwan al-Muslimun to perform this noble work. It does not need any brand or mission order.

Ancestral Mission Order 

During my research about our ancestors and their heritage, I found that those who landed here were merchant alias da'ie and they also had the hierarchical basis like those of Tabligh Jama'at and the Ikhwan al-Muslimun. Nowadays many were ex-communicated from the tariqa due to that they were scattered everywhere and disconnected from the centers of mission. If brothers and sisters could guess, our paternal community is a minority community which could be founded in Northern Yemen mountainous region, in Najran which is a province in Southern Saudi Arabia, in Saudi Arabian Eastern province, in Gujarat of India and in Sindh of Pakistan. 

Our ancestors were from the second branch of the tariqa which was known in general by those who claim themselves as the Sunnis as deviating tariqa because of their confusion which leads to generalization with the first branch group's practices or maybe its doctrine. The tariqa generally traced its genealogy from the Fatimid Empire of Egypt around 10th century. However, many people in our ancestral branch of tariqa were also specialized in any of four “Salafi Imams” jurisprudence apart of the belief that they have with them and those originated from Yemen practicing the jurisprudence almost identical to the Shafi’ie madzhab practices except with little differences as I could still remember how I was taught to pray at home by elders when I was a five years old little boy where we have the takbeer during the sitting between two sujoods. I recalled this act when I saw an Iranian praying in our hostel’s musalla before he gets his student visa and later disappear because he already get what he wants. One of our ancestral faiths is that da’awa is an obligation on every Muslim and it is a part of the faith articles.

Da’awa as a Way to Preserve the Grace of Allah   

It is mentioned by the Lord in Glorious Quran in Surah Aali 'Imran verse 104. Says Allah : "And there must be some of you a group (or nation) who call toward goodness and telling others to perform charity and to prohibit vices. And they are those among who will achieve success".

For us, our Path is not only a way of life but also a grace from the Lord. To preserve His grace upon everyone, there must be a group of Muslim congregation as what has been mentioned by the Lord with the word “nation” who prepare themselves for the mission to call people to Him. These people are calling others to perform charity and chastity. They behave politely and propagating love besides prohibiting vices and anything which opposes the norms of society and human-being as a whole.

In the verse, there are two important words which is ma’aruf or charity which was rooted from the word ‘uroof. It means something which is accepted and being perceived by society as a healthy norm performed by every sane human-being. The second word is munkar or vice which means something unpleasant, detested and rejected by society because it is inappropriate. Vice is not something which is accepted by sane human-being. 

The path or religion here is a mean to help human-being to differentiate which one is ma’aruf and which one is munkar. Because of this, the munkar and ma’aruf are never separated from general opinion. If a person is performing charity and chastity, most of people in society will generally accept his acts, accepting the acts and praising the acts. If the acts are those categorized as munkar or vices, society generally will reject them, detest them and dislike them. That is why, when a person is highly immersed in his religion or path, he will get to know more what the ma’aruf are and what are the munkar acts or behavior? Before we go further, can anyone sense the basis of law-making here? Is it so hard to understand this law of nature? This is not only about Islam, this is not only about Muhammad s.a.w if some people are so anti to these without any basis. This is about the nature…

As such, it is an obligation on every Muslim man and woman in a congregation to work hard in order to lead people toward the ma’aruf and to help people from committing munkar so the society will be a valuable society. Not a low-life society. Calling people toward goodness, charity and chastity and helping people to avoid vices, crimes, and evil acts is known as da’awa or mission. Da’awa is the spirit of religion and without it, the religion is dead.

Allahumma salli 'alaa Muhammad, wa 'alaa aali Muhammad wa sahbihi ajma'iin! Dear the God, please be in contact with Muhammad s.a.w and with his family and with his companions all, amin!

Sealed with prayers for mercy, peace and love, amin!
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