Sunday 26 February 2012

Supplications: Before Memorize the Quran

Assalaamu'alaikum wa rahmatullah

In the Name of the God, the Most Merciful the Most Compassionate

Brothers and sisters, I think I am going to share the supplication here with everyone who passing by because I am afraid that I would be a "stingy" servant and just keeping it to myself. I had earlier typed the rough meanings of these supplications in the past posts because I just afraid that I would defecate the supplications. I don't know how to stop the copy-paste function in the site. I am not sure if this is right because I am not a hafidz by formal means and I am only in the process to memorize which means I am not a teacher to anyone but everyone who are sincere to the Lord are my teachers. I get these supplications from around as apart of the manner to handle the holy verses. I memorized them and don't really keep any prayers or supplications when I memorize them because I don't want them to be polluted.

Here is the supplication in which I just provide them one by one and I wish brothers and sisters can also slowly memorize them and practice or beramal together. The highest Name is dotted so everybody should know what it is:

 اللهُمَّ نَوِّرْنَا بكِتَابِكَ بَصَرِي واشْرِحْ بِهِ صَدْرِي واسْتَعْمَلْ به بَدَنِي وأطْلِقْ به لِسانِي وقَوِّى به جَنابِي وأسْرِعْ به فَهْمِي وبحولك و قُوَّتِكَ إلابا...العَلِيِّ العَظِيْمِ 1

Urmm, I don't think I will reveal the source of the supplications but if anyone found it as the same please inform me because I would be very glad to know. These are all from Sunnah so don't worry. I am going to type them in Arabic but trying to avoid the Highest Name to be typed in this post wherever possible. I beg on my knees to brothers and sisters please handle supplications or du'as with care, respect them and help to pray to the Lord to forgive my sins because I don't know what will happen in the hereafter with these burden of sins :'(

I wish these are beneficial for brothers and sisters. I actually wish some of my brothers in the hostel could access this post only if they have the link, hehe. I made this special for them wishing them to also memorize the Quran for their well-being and family, ehehe. I don't normally pass this in the light to people around. There are actually some hidden prayers and supplications too but I can't reveal them all without permission, I am so sorry. 

Those who have this actually know they are actually gaining my respect and I do care about them not only physically but also spiritually. I regard them as 'saints' though I don't like to talk about anything like miracle of saints. If I found this post is defecating the Name, I will immediately banish this post and stop the site! Please inform me if any defecation happens or brothers and sisters have any idea on how to stop the copy-paste function. Thank you I appreciate brothers and sisters' help.

Sealed with prayers for mercy, peace, and love, amin!

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