Friday 2 September 2011

News from Friend: Tibetan Summer Retreat in Bhutan

Assalaamu'alaikum wa rahmatullah!

Just saw some pics by a friend, Sherab Palsang who lives in Arunachal Pradesh in Indian eastern region. He is a Tibetan monk in exile which I had known since many years ago. He had many times invited me to visit him at his monastery but I have to finish this studies and lack of mobility. 

He went for Singapore when I was in the first semester doing this post-grad degree but I was occupied so I can't see him. Maybe when I get proper job and stable that I would plan a visit to India and visiting him beside traveling to other parts in India. I hope he at least could come to Penang or Thailand and I would be glad to meet him, having cup of drinks. I had lost his monastery address. I have got some English books to be donated to the monastery library for educational purpose. Some had been donated to mosques and random libraries. People need education to be civilized.

These pics are about summer retreat during Shrawant to Bhadrapad months in conjunction to events in August and September. Thai Theravada Buddhism called it as Warn Khao Pharnsa (Varsha) which begins around the mid of July and ends in the mid of September. Monks would retreat and fasting in their monasteries rather than traveling around. It is to avoid harming little creatures and crops if monks traveling around during the period. Let us see how Vajrayana-Tantra Buddhists performing their varsha or rainy season ceremonies. This is also my first time seeing Tibetan style ceremonies.

 Sakya Rinpoche which is the monastery head in India arrived in Mon Thawing, Bhutan.

 Confession ceremony where monks would confess their errors and ordination ceremony 

Trairattana ceremony

Pattimokka (monastic rules) recitation in the hall in front of Wairocana statue

Laymen devotees at monastery compound

Sadhana mudra ritual where devotees would go around the mandala

Feast where they distribute barley porridge at the monastery head quarter

Sherab graduation day, guess this is more than six or seven years ago since the pic looks old. I think Sherab is at the middle. They look almost the same, hehe. I am proud of you, friend. It's not easy to be ordained

Special thanks to our friend, Sherab Palsang for pics sharing. Sharing is caring. I would visit you and your monastery if condition permits me, someday... You live in such a nice place with fresh air. It is a good place to study :)

Sealed with prayers for peace, mercy, and love, amin!

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