Friday 2 September 2011

Aidulfitri 1432 H Pic: Mum's Cousins

Assalaamu'alaikum wa rahmatullah!

Manage to get some pics from files sent by little sister. Thanks, little sis... This pics featuring pak su Omar which is our maternal uncle. Pak su Omar is mum's cousin brother. The title pak su means little uncle because he is the youngest of his siblings. Their mothers are siblings where our grandmother is the youngest of four siblings. All of them had passed away including our beloved grandmother. 

Differently to nowadays, their family bond is quite close though they're just cousins compared to younger generations. Mum told me that their mothers would travel far from north to south or either ways in order to stay up at cousins or relatives houses just to tie kinship among generations and helps everyone up before great religious celebration. When they passed away, mum tries to revive it but I don't feel comfortable with it. The same thing goes to my sisters. Now only I believe that it is important. But maybe I am not as friendly as older generation because my life had been different from them. The same thing goes to others. I prefer to be a loner. Oh yeah, mum actually is closer to her cousins compared to her own siblings. Weird isn't it, haha.  

Left: cousin brother Zulhairi, mum, dad, pak su 'Omar

Left: lil sis, second sis, younger sis, me, third sis

In Yahya Halal Restaurant, Samnak Khan, Dannok Town, Southern Thai region. Left: Niang Ta which is pak su Omar's wife (they're cousins too), cousin brother Zulhairi, pak su Omar, taking the order is the restaurant owner, dad, little sis, younger sis.

Mak teh nord's family in Batu Maung, Pulau Pinang. From left front is cousin brother Sobhi, his wife and his daughter, cousin brother Sobri's wife and their second child, cousin sister Wani, cousin brother Deen wife 'Ashiqeen and son, cousin brother Sabri. From left behind: Pak Teh Mun (mak teh Nord's husband), pak teh Mun's mother, mak teh Nord, cousin brother Muhammad Adi, cousin brother Deen and his daughter.

Pak su Omar is the younger brother of mak teh Nord. They have other three siblings. One of them, Niang Rogiah had passed away last two years and followed by her husband in the next two months, Yazid. May the God be merciful to their souls. Both of them are good, tolerant and peaceful people. I don't have any pics of their children but I hope to keep them in this site as for me to remember them in prayers and services also to keep me track to relatives. Rogiah, Khalid, Nord, Che Nah and Omar are maternal cousins of mum. Their mother, Hasnah is a sister of my beloved grandmother, Seehah. Grandmother has four siblings whom are Mahdzoum, Zakariyya, Hasnah, and Seehah which is her. Mahdzoum is dad's mother. That makes mum and dad both cousins of mother side.  All of these generations had passed away.

Pak su Omar and Niang Ta still has other two sons whom are Zulhilmi and Zulhaikal. Both of them live in Kuala Nerang because they do not want to move out back to Jitra. Perhaps they have many friends there and that is common. We can't easily say goodbye to friends :) I was quite close to Haikal (Zulhaikal). He was so little back then when I was nine years old living in Jitra. I feel quite embarrassed to Khairi (Zulhairi) which is their elder brother though he was the same age with me. He was an intelligent boy and quite popular among girls and boys (being his companies) when we were school pupils, hahaha. He was in different class anyway. I was not well known in schools, even my class teachers don't even recognize my face not even schoolmates, like wind.

Wish cousin brother Zulhairi, a happy marriage... selamat menempuhi kehidupan bertanggungjawab, may both of you build up a peaceful house and harmonious family, granted by the God with pious children and generations, His Will. I don't think I would be there at your marriage and I would like to apologize though you may not see it here, hahaha. Just want to avoid people asking me about marriage though I am happy to hear this good news. I think that I am still young though I do not style myself according to latest trend or fashion like other young men. It's closer to the end as what is prophesied in scriptures. I don't want my generations to suffer great destruction of yomul qiyamah. Let it end with me hopefully :)

اللهم صل على حبيبنا محمد صلى الله عليه و سلَّم وعلى أهله و صحبه اجمعين... Sealed with prayers for peace, mercy, and love, amin!

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