Friday 13 December 2013

Sustainablity Workshop

Assalamu'alaikum wa rahmatullah

Some more picture of me... I had to cover my face because it is so ...... ....... , haha.. With me were Momoyo Seki, that cute sister on my left side and Kobayashi Yusuke. Both of them of course from the name we could obviously see that they are from Japan, ahaha. They presented about the river maintenance in Japan and sharing some knowledge with us about their strategies for a clean pure environment. I had also met a Myanmar army who studied in Yokohama University but could not get the opportunity to snap with him our photo together, haha. I love to listen his stories about Myanmar.     

The workshop was conducted in collaboration with the Yokohama University from 29-30 September 2010. Behind there were Ong Wenpei and Celia Perez Abellan, both of them were my colleagues in European studies batch 2010-2012. Thankful to Dr. Zainalabiddin, our Global Political Economy lecturer though he was an intelligent guy but he was generous to share with us his knowledge on economic and political theories.

Sealed with prayers for mercy, peace and love, amin!

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