Thursday 5 December 2013

Northern Arabia: Language

Assalamu'alaikum wa rahmatullah

Now, Northern Arabs were those who actually lived a Bedouin life. They were backward than the Southern Arabs as Southern Arabs had great kingdoms and city-states down there. However in term of language, Northern Arabs had also absorbed many loanwords from foreign powers surrounding them. They gradually absorbed the words into their vocabulary and the narration of historians themselves could not decipher when the Northern Arabs had absorbed those loanwords into their language. 

The development of Arabic language could be seen in three stages...

First Stage

The period where it was still pure and was not so much infiltrated with foreign words while the region of the spoken language is not so much vast like today. The period was the period of Amalek and other ancient Arab tribes.

Second Stage

Second Jurhumite period where the native Southern Arabs moved northward and mingled with Ishmael a.s and his family. Their language became influenced by these these Arabized non-Arabs and they also influenced them. The language evolved and later becoming other languages spoken by the Arabs of various tribes such as Mudharites, Rabi'as, Kinanas, Nizarites and the Qaysites.

Third Stage

The period where Quraish Arabs becoming the servants of the Cubicle Shrine and the Holy Mecca. Arabian tribes from the whole Arabia performing pilgrimage to the holy sites there every year. They would stay there for almost 50 days and becoming the guests of the Quraish who hosted them. Three days of the pilgrims would be spent in Dhu al-Majāz, seven days in the Majinnah, 30 days in the Okadh, and 10 days for pilgrimage sacraments as according to their religions and customs.

Quraish Arabs used to travel to other regions due to business needs and trade. They went to Yemen, Iraq, Ethiopia, Hawrān, Persia and ancient Indian subcontinent. They met different and various kind of languages and foreign things to their region. They brought those things back to their state and introduce them to their people. The people use the things and calling them in their own names used in original states. The most popular loanwords within Northern Arab language were from Persian. These foreign languages and their business caravan had also helped them to enrich their language and their position as the servants in the Holy Mecca makes their language spread faster than any other Arab languages.

Besides, everyone should also take to their note that a development in a language also depends to the development of the knowledge and intellectual power of a certain nation who speak their own language. We could also see this in English because I am trying to write in English, haha. There were many literature works produced within English from the period of Old English which is a fusion of Angles, Jutes and Saxon languages. They have literature works in Old English such as Beowulf with those words which sound more like German to my ears, Middle English with its King James' Bible translations and Modern English which is now of different variations due to the spread of British influence in the world through their colonies such as Indian English, American English, Malayan English, British English, Jamaican English, Australian English, Scottish English, Irish English and so on. English also absorbed many foreign words into the its vocabulary such as from Arabic, from Indian languages and from the previous Roman and Norman empires. The English that I use in my posts is not even British English but more to Malaysian English which is closer to the Standard English. The same thing that happened to Quraish Arabic.

Because of this, many Bedouin Arabs could also express their feelings through Quraish Arabic. They sometimes enrich the language with their own dialects and so, we could see about 10-100 words could be used to refer only to one thing. We sometimes could articulate a verb with different ways in our grammatical and philology studies. Arabic has a special form of plural for nouns which is the Jama' Taksir where the arrangement is not so much organized like other two plural forms for feminine and masculine in our articulation. As such, an Eastern Languages linguist known as Noldke has proclaimed that Arabic is a rich and vast language. 

Ahmad Amin from Fuad I University of Cairo however contested the statement of Noldke although he too admits that Arabic is a rich language. Arabic for him is still confined within metal stones, metal hills and desert surrounding the Arabs since ancient times. It is still original in the sense that the Arabs were largely associated to their camels and the day dream steaming in their veins due to the empty desert around them. The Northern Arabs were poor without any term to describe snow at the peak of mountains, sea and fishes, ocean and ships nor could they describe anything related to luxurious life in palaces of noble men. They only come across to these matters when North Arabian kingdoms came into contact with other nations and their languages.

The difference between Arabic and other languages that could not be compared is that it has special form of grammatical order which is divided into the grammar and the articulation where both of them are closely linked in term of word construction and forming sentences since Arabic just like other Semitic languages also depends on the three alphabets for basic root of the word. And this is some glances about our language, the Arabic language which is now used as communication tool in modern Arabic speaking world. It was the language of Northern Arabs : ) 

Sealed with prayers for mercy, peace and love, amin!

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