Wednesday 27 November 2013

In the Name of the God

Assalaamu'alaikum wa rahmatullah


I start everything with Your Name...
I end everything with Your Name....

At 15:00 today I have an interview for front office job in a hotel. I really hate to do this but I have no choice. I have to settle my debt with the government loan and getting a transport for myself. I still have another interview tomorrow also for front office job. There are many jobs but not the job which is suitable to our inclinations of our "self".  I do not know how else I could contribute for the betterment of the nations. I mean not only for Muslims but also for other brethren though they are non-Muslims because all of you are the nations in the period of Muhammad s.a.w. The period of the end of the cycle... 

I need to bring my Quran for memorization everywhere I am and renewing my wudhu' all the time and hope He forgives me for bringing the copies into "worldly" affairs since I cannot bring people inside the "Path" if I am not memorizing or practicing the Quran in its maximum. I am sinful all the times... Let's see if I could also find a job as a guard in mosques. Or maybe a cleaner for a mosque... I do not really care about money. I care about my "faith" and I hate it that people around do not understand this but insist that everyone is the same like them : (

Sealed with prayers for mercy, peace and love, amin!

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