Tuesday 7 February 2012

My Baba: Abdul Qadir Jailani

Assalaamu'alaikum wa rahmatullah

May Allah bless baba Abdul Qadir Jailani and be merciful to him. We respect babas, but we never worship any saint, creature or human. Allah is our Lord and True Teacher. Clean up our heart and do not look at others like we are so holy. The Holiest One is only Allah. We are filthy and worthless and He still Loves us with His Mercy. Stop hurting each other. Educate everyone slowly, with patience and according to basic Creed and Sunnah. Salaam and Tahiyyat to brothers and sisters!!!

Sealed with prayers for mercy, peace, and love, amin!


  1. i'll invite u to his hol later. come see his descendants, insha Allah.

    1. almost forgot!

      the hol + maulidulrasul will be held on the 31st march at masjid putrajaya. after asar the people will start to gather. usually dinner is provided and there would be some refreshments.
