Friday 17 February 2012

Arabian Chronicle : Arab Nations before the Rise of Muhammad s.a.w II

Assalaamu'alaikum wa rahmatullah

I am quite relieved that I had passed my paper that I took last semester. I've got B for that and I'm more than grateful to Allah because He never leaves us alone but our eyes were blinded by this mortal world. Because I am so glad that a burden has already passed, I am going to continue about this topic of history and wishing that it could inspire brothers and sisters to read more about pre-Muhammad s.a.w history since it is important for us. This is just brief review of history and I hope brothers and sisters please help me doing further readings and consultation to lecturers or scholars of the particular field. This is only from my notes that I jot down while I was in isolation. Now, we still talk about the Amalek but not in Iraq anymore...

Amalek in Egypt

Arab historians have all agreed upon stating that the Amalek had also invaded and exercising their power in Egypt in which some of them becoming kings in the land. Ironically, this story has been told briefly by historians but not in detail. Their invasion on Egypt was not being told in detail whether how they managed to conquer Egypt and gaining influence in the land. So, many historians have the doubt that leads them to researches in order to confirm the narration of history.

Jesifus who was a Jew historian quoting from the Manton written by the narrator of Alexandria in Egypt on what had happened during the reign of Timaws. It says: "In the reign of Timaws, our king, in which the Lord was angry to us, thus He opened a way for a kind of tribe whom we were not certain about their origin came from the East (of our land) and they fought us valiantly. Our villages were all subdued, houses were burnt, our king were insulted, temples were demolished, men were killed while women and children were taken away as prisoners. Later they appointed a king from among them who was known as Salathis and he reigned in Memphis. The order was sent to the whole Egypt where everyone must pay the tax either in upper or lower Egypt. They build up fortress to avoid from attacks by the Assyrians and establishing a state known as Auraas to protect Egypt beside it helps to be a filter other than those forts."

The tribe was known by the name Hyksos. It is a Greek word which means shepherd kings. According to the research conducted by Brugch, he says that Hyksos came from Hieroglyphic writings. Firstly, it is a compound words which consists of Hyk and Sos and it means a King. Secondly, the word Hyksos means Bedouins who migrated from Eastern Sahara which is the Arabian Peninsula. However, there was no such name as Hyksos who ruled ancient Egypt recorded in ancient Egyptian records or from archeology findings in term inscriptions and etc.

Ancient relics for example records of ancient Egyptian mentions about a tribe who came from other state and later conquering Egypt from its lower part. Then, these people were chased out by Thebes. In other word, this tribe was known as Myn or Meinte who rise from the 'Ashar or perhaps Assyria. 

Gaston Conteneau stated that Hyksos were a tribe of mixed ancestry from Central Asia and they love to live nomadic life. They had also invaded Syria and Palestine until they succeeded in attacking Egypt. They entered Egyptian land and dominating the most fertile delta in the area. Eyptians called them as Hyksos. Lower part of Egypt was under the rule of Coptic Pharaoh until around 1580 BC. At that time a war happened and Egyptian land was invaded by the Semites. This one is mentioned in the book, the Manton.

According to researchers, these Hyksos turn to be Semites. They entered ancient Egypt through Central Asia. Researchers also speculated that it's not certain whether these Semites were ethnically Arab since there was not enough evidence to support the research statements. Ever since, the statement by Jesifus and Arabian narrators is still in questions regarding its validity. Perhaps this is also a job for anthropologists. 

Inshaa Allah we would look further in the topic of Southern Arabian Kingdoms and Northern Arabian Kingdoms if we have time to check it. I am interested in Southern Arabian Peninsula. We should never forget from where our elders originated from though we are no longer the people of the land. It is our background and heritage. Teach it to children even if there is no specific syllabus in school for the children. Teach them at home while having dinner together or while relaxing with them.

Sealed with prayers for mercy, peace, and love, amin!

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