Friday 7 October 2011

Religion Evolution Theory and Refutation to It: Intro

Assalaamu'alaikum wa rahmatullah!

I seek protection of the God from the accursed Satan! In the Name of the God, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful! 


Some human believe that there is God, which is the Essence that created human and the universe. In this matter, all of human being who believe in it are in common understanding. But when it comes to Divinity concept, there are varieties in it. There are those who proclaim that the God is only One. He is Unique and nothing could be equated to Him as for Muslim believe this. 

The Christians with their Trinity concept of the God with God the Father, God the Son, and the Holy Spirit. All three of them are One but not the same. This is the result of Kalam apart of philosophy in Doctrine and being refuted by Hanbali methodology scholars and others as well.

In Hinduism, there is an Essence known as Paramatman or Brahman. Paramatman means the Supreme Soul while Brahman means the Universal Spirit. It is divided to three according to their functions which are Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva according to school of philosophies. Besides the Hindu Trimurti concept of godheads, there are also incarnations of them into other gods based on their power and functions.

These are varieties of human believe toward Him. There are those who believe in the absoluteness of His Unity those the ideology is called as monotheism. The Abraham paths such as Islam, Judaism, and Christianity are categorized by most people as teachings based from monotheism. However, the development of these three religions are not the same. There are differences in the understanding of monotheism for each of them. 

For example, for Christianity, they believe that the God is One but with the notion of Trinity. Thus, the Absoluteness of the God Unity is not valid according to strict monotheism ideology. This is not my view, but the writer of a book's view. I would put the reference once this is done, inshaallah. As per comparison with Islamic Creed on the God, He is without any beginning nor ending. Nothing in the earth nor heaven is equal to Him. Nothing is the same to Him, nor picturesque about Him. He is unbeatable. He is not confined by time, place and space. The God needs no one, but those in existence in the universe need Him. His Will be done and nothing could obstruct Him.

While Hinduism as for example is categorized under polytheism. It is the belief in many gods which are incarnated from a God. They still believe in One God but the functions and aspects of the God is personalized into Three which is represented by the Trimurti. The gods are then portrayed in idols and paintings. Each face of God has its own worshipers. Some people worshiping Shiva, some people worshiping Vishnu and perhaps small number of people worship Brahma. All three aspects are God by their rights but each of them are worshiped more by people according to their tendencies, school of philosophies, and others. 

In primitive human belief, there are dynamism and animism. Dynamism means the belief on the power which is impersonal in beings of the universe whether alive or dead. Beings of the universe could be human, animal, plant, recorded words, and etc. This kind of belief raises up magic or act to control invisible powers stored in beings of the universe in certain manner in order to use it for ones own benefit. 

Animism means the belief that the soul or spirit could influence human's life. Spirits do not comply within normal nature's law but comply within their own law which is supernatural without any time, space, and they are eternal. Animism gave rise to ancestral worship for humans' benefit. A bit developed animism worship is called as shamanism. This kind of worship is quite popular in Africa and Eastern Asia.

Sealed with prayers for mercy, peace and love, amin!

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