Wednesday 19 October 2011

Pilgrimage : The Journey

Assalaamu'alaikum wa rahmatullah

I am not a poetic or creative person nor I am talented in poetry because I only know how to read people's poem, haha. Poem in this post was written by Ibnu Qayyim al-Jawziyya about Hajj season in the Holy Mecca. Its original language is Arabic and this is its translation in English. 

Translation as always is not equal to the text due to different languages development, time period, and it is only to tell what is the meaning and message behind the text. Modern English began to develop from Anglo-Saxon language in 6th century while Arabic does not really change. It developed earlier than modern English. There is another discipline for translation and interpretation although many people would look at our course just as a side course which has no importance since everyone can do it as a part time job. I'm helping translation and interpretation lecturers promoting the course. Jangan marah saya lagi na Dr. Lee and Pak Din. You people just misunderstood me because I was said as influencing my colleague to go against you. I am not really naughty. I don't know why people always looking at me with prejudice and judging me simply because I mingled with 'unfortunate' or 'despicable' people like me : ) Usually people will misunderstood us when we try to return to Him... This is the world.

Basically, this is how we perform hajj pilgrimage in Mecca, reviving the Path of our patriarch Abraham may the God send peace to him and his family. Wish brethren enjoy the poem while mentally and physically preparing to perform hajj pilgrimage. I wish your sincere pilgrimage will be accepted by the God, may He permits it.... 

He invited and they answered, with love and pleasure; When they called upon Him, nearer came the Divine treasure. You see them on their mounts, hair dusty and disheveled. Yet never more content, never happier they have felt. 

By Him whose House the loving pilgrims visit
Responding with ihram at the appointed limit
Uncovering their heads in total humility
Before One to Whom faces bow in servility
They exclaim in the valleys, "We have responded to You - All Praise is Yours, and Dominion too!"
He invited and they answered with love and pleasure;
When they called upon Him, nearer came the Divine treasure.
You see them on their mounts, hair dusty and disheveled 
Yet never more content, never happier have they felt;
Leaving homelands and families due to holy yearning
Unmoved are they by temptations of returning.
Through plains and valleys, from near and far, 
Walking and riding, in submission to the God.

At the Ka'abah

When they see His House - the magnificient sight
For which the hearts of all creatures are set alight - It seems they've never felt tired before,
For they discomfort and hardships is no more.
Now the eye of the Lover drowns in its streams,
It sees through its tears the goal of its dreams;
Now for the God, how many tears are issued
Each one being followed by a multitude?
When the eye perceives the House, its darkness clears, 
And from the sorrowful heart, pain disappears;
Vision cannot encompass this beautiful sight : Each glance returns with greater delight!
No wonder at this, for when the Merciful preferred
The House for Himself, it became most honored.
He clothed it in Majesty, a magnificent garment;
Embroidered it with Beauty, a wonderful ornament!
The hearts all love the House therefore, 
Awed and humbled in respect and honor.
(surah al-An'am verse 90) 


Now to 'Arafat, hoping for Mercy and Forgiveness
From the One overflowing with Generosity and Kindness;
Now for the God is that Magnificent Standing
Like, though lesser than, the Day of Reckoning.
The irresistible draws near, His Majesty manifest,
Boasting to His angels, for He is the Mightiest,
"My slaves have come to Me so lovingly, I'll be Generous and Merciful, willingly.
Fulfilled their hopes, and showered them with goodness."
So joyous news! O people of that standing
When sins are forgiven and Mercy is spreading;
How many slaves are set completely free?
Whilst others seek a cure, and heal will He.
Now Satan is never known to lose such face : He's blameworthy, rejected, in utter disgrace.
For he sees a matter that enrage him must : He flees, slaps his face and covers it in dust!
Such Forgiveness he never did see
As granted by the Lord and such Mercy!
He built his edifice from every temptation available
Till he thought it was complete, unassailable;
The the God struck his building at its very foundation,
So, it fell upon him, tumbling in devastation;
What worth has his structure, this evil ploy
That he does build, and the Lord does destroy?
(surah ash-Shura verse 13) 

Muzdalifah and Mina

Now for Muzdalifah to spend the night
In the Sacred Area, then Prayer at first light;
Now on to the Great Pillar, which they need
To stone at the time of the Prayer of 'Eid;
Now to their tents for their sacrifice prepared,
Reviving the tradition of a father revered.
If sacrificing themselves were the God's demand,
They would respond, submitting to the command;
Just as they'd expose their necks in the struggles and efforts
To the God's enemies, till these stream with blood;
They discipline themselves, presenting the head for a shave : Bringing humility and happiness to the obedient slave.
(Bukhari 7344 and Muslim 1074 on the authority of Abu Sa'id)

The Circumambulation of the Visit

So when they've removed those natural growths.
Completed their rites and fulfilled their oaths
He invites them again to visit His House : What honor and welcome this visit allows!
By the God, they visit it in so much splendor
Receiving their rewards and plenty of honor;
There the God bestows Grace, Favor and Kindness
Showing Generosity, Mercy and Forgiveness
(Bukhari 3456-7320 and Muslim 2669 on the authority of Abu Sa'id)


Then they return to Mina, each to his tent,
Every minute wish is granted, and they are content;
They stay there a day, then another, then a third,
They are allowed to depart early, but to stay is preferred;
They stone the pillars daily after the sun's decline
With a slogan of Magnification in the presence of the Divine!
If only you could see their standing there : Palms outstretched, hoping for Mercy's share!
"O Lord! O Lord! Knowing as You do that we hope for no-one, only You!
Then grant our wish, O You All-Knowing
We pray for Your Mercy overflowing."
(Surah Yusuf verse 103)

The Farewell Circumambulation

When they've achieved at Mina all their gains
Once more they fill the valleys and plains : To the Ka'aba, the Sacred House, by the end of the day
To circle it seven times, and then to pray.
When departure nears and they are certain
That the bond of proximity is about to loosen
There is only a last stand for a final farewell : Now for the God are the eyes that swell
And for the God are the heavy hearts that turn
Into cauldrons of desire where fire does burn;
And the passionate sighs whose heat so vigorous 
Nearly melts the Lover, ecstatic, rapturous!
Now you see those bewildered, perplexed in the throng
Whilst others chant sorrowful song : "I depart, but there remains for You my yearning
My fire of grief is raging and burning;
I bid farewell, but longing pulls my reins - My heart is encamped in Your eternal plains!"
No blame today for saying what you feel : No blame for expressing what you used to conceal!
(Surah Saba' verse 13)

Poem is taken from : Awdah al-Masalik ila Ahkam al-Manasik by Abd al-'Aziz al-Muhammad as-Salman, Riyadh, 12th edition, 1430 H, pp. 265-272.  

Sealed with prayers for mercy, peace, and love, amin!