Wednesday 6 July 2011

Tablighi Kitabs for Reference and Readings

Assalaamu'alaikum wa Rahmatullah!

These kitabs issued by Tablighi movement and Deobandi ulamas are quite useful and beneficial. I had read some of them but I do not have hard copies with me to distribute to others. Once the musalla near my house is opened, I will try to get the kitab and offer it to the house of worship for Tablighi brothers in the area facility to conduct their taklim or activities, His Will. May Allah grant those fellow brothers peaceful, patience and sincere heart for the effort on conveying the message of mercy, amin!

The online kitabs that I have with me are in English. I had downloaded all of them for my readings when I am free and for additional knowledge because many things that we do not know or had lost in ourselves. I had read and listened to Hindu kitabs reading by singers like the late Mukesh about the destruction of the world and the quotes of Hindu sages explanation like Resi Vyasa and it is regarding this epoch of the darkness we are currently in. Human are now losing spirituality, manner, and knowledge that leads us to know Him. We without realizing have no time to learn the knowledge of responsibility because the nature of the epoch is deceiving us. It's quite difficult for brothers and sisters in faith to understand and this is my past experience. I do not intend to talk about this in length. I am also aware about the sign of the Resurrection mentioned in Hadith Qudsi.

Here are some sharings, brother and sisters in faith may download them, print them out if brothers and sisters have no access to Islamic kitabs in the area and read them together with family or friends after Fajar prayer or any other suitable prayer services as a beneficial activity whenever free and not occupied. I know that there are many silent young Muslims out there. This is specially for all of you.

All of these kitabs were compiled into a large kitaab called as Fadhail 'Amal which is now being read by Tablighi brothers everywhere in our country and they have Malay version for this. If brothers and sisters are English speakers, then use English kitabs so you may understand the messages as well, may Allah helps you with His boundless mercy and guidance.

6. Virtues of Pilgrimage

special gratitude to: and Tablighi brothers who patiently introduced me their movement

This is my tribute and respect for beloved brothers and sisters if you are by accident coming across this humble site. His Will, I would share online sources here if I have them may everyone get the benefit as well. I have no other way for salvation in this limited time before leaving this world except transmitting whatever that we have. 

I don't know what to call myself because I found that I am not qualified to be a Tabligh and feeling myself as not worth to receive any acknowledgement or being known after I went for Tablighi camp. Actually I had feel this since long ago, not only after the bayaans camp. Maybe I am just His unworthy servant traveling around and indirectly serving everyone in His path. Only He is the One worth to be known throughout the Universe, glorified be His Great Name.

My message to every faithful servant, try to avoid criticizing brothers' movements. If they are doing everything according to the Quranic teaching and Sunnah angles, they are rightful for patronage and assistance of all brothers. It is illegal and haram according to His holy Path to hurt brothers and sisters physically or orally. Instead show respect and mercy to every soul.

Please help me recite salawat for prophet Muhammad s.a.w and his family, and his companions. Please pray for the well-being of every brother and sister around you to appreciate and honor them no matter they are related to you or not. Whether you frequently see them or not or whether you have hadhrah together with them. Say prayers for them and let them listen only prayers.

Help us pray also for His mercy upon other creatures visible and invisible and for fellow non-Muslim brothers and sisters, thank you. Sealed with prayers for peace, love, and mercy for beloved brothers and sister in faith, amin! 

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