Friday 29 July 2011

Recap: In the Way to Hualampong Station

Assalaamu'alaikum wa Rahmatullah!


I personally think that it is always good to follow sunnah (but betel leaves is not mentioned anywhere in hadiths nor Quran at least till what I am reading right now). However we must also trying to adapt with the situation. We are out of our boundary so it is better to be careful in our attitude and it's worth to comply within local customs or being polite. The samseng Thai attendant (not uncle Sumant) had asked the ticket again from the Tabligh guy and the Tabligh showing it with sign language that his ticket had already been checked. 

Then the attendant asked me what was that guy saying. I just said, I don't know him and I don't understand what he is saying. He's not my country man. That guy then asked the Tabligh guy to give 100 bhat (RM10) to him or he would report him to the police. Then the guy refused and showed him the ticket. The samseng attendant showed his wai (sembah) and left to another coach. I guess, he might be teasing the Tabligh guy. Maybe dia menyampah ke tengok orang tu macam berlagak, jeling-jeling orang. I felt annoyed too with that Bangladeshi guy's sharp glance.

Around 20:15 Thai time, we arrived at Hadyaai Junction and the Tabligh guy went down at this point. At 20:27, uncle Sumant wearing his white uniform began to help passengers opening up the bed. My bed was the lower bed beside Thai old lady.

I decided to sleep earlier because nothing to see in the dark. I had informed mum about the trip when we stopped at Perlis but she didn't believe me, hehehee. However, when she heard that I am telling her in serious tone only she believes me. Just want to get her blessing and want her to know where I am so it would be easy for them to track me if I have problem in Thailand. 

I just heard a news about a guy who was a Malaysian student in Japan found dead in Pattaya after stopping for a while in Bangkok. I checked the news at Suvarnabhumi airport free internet facility and suddenly I felt creepy because that guy was found dead a week before I went up to Bangkok. Pattaya is not a good place, avoid the area if possible and don't show that we are not local when we are in Thailand. 

Spaniard girl, Celia who was my classmate went there for Pattaya to see pingpong played by ladies' private part. Malu nak sebut benda ni lah but that is among the ways on how they attract tourists to the area. We would spontaneously call it as lo'laq (indecent) if we hear this. Many foreigners were found dead there too before our compatriot who was the student in a Japan university was found dead there.

Thailand have many other decent places to visit so just visit good areas there. Always establish good relation with people around and don't take taxis or bus when you are alone. I prefer to walk in a crowded area when I am alone. I would like to express my condolence to his family and friends, and prayer for the soul of the victim, Mr. Muhammad Syafiq Abu Rani who was found dead in Pattaya. He is just the same age like me. May Allah bless his soul, and clears his matter in the world and hereafter.

Back to the train, around 4:00 in the morning of 26th, I woke up and performed Fajr prayer on my bed. Just performing in seating posture and they have curtain so nobody can see my ritual, quite a relieve. Then I saw sun rises from the window, and we another few hours to reach Bangkok. 

It would be so boring if we don't talk with anyone so I decided to walk around the coach with other passengers. I talked with a couple from Mauritius but the husband is a French. They also thought that I am a Thai and asking me to translate something to a lady selling the food in the train because they had some misunderstanding regarding food ordering. Then, they gave me some tips to access Laos, but I am not intending to go further North East yet. Maybe after I visit Bangkok and Southern Thai provinces several times that I would try to visit other neighboring Indo-Chinese countries. 

I carefully ate some breads and canned drink which cost me RM5!!! Bought them at Padang Besar passport control center. The guy who sold the stuffs is a local Perlisian. Very 'expensive' for breads that we always buy in groceries. I guess that, it is not even an airport! Sampai hati noh angpa kapak orang sniri!!! Roti nam kupang ja jadi seringgit, apa punya meniaga la nih dok kapak pala orang??????!!!!  

to be continued...

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