Friday 22 July 2011

Departing for Bangkok

Assalaamu'alaikum wa Rahmatullah!

We would be departing from Butterworth for Bangkok at 14:00 on the 25th of August 2011, Tuesday. Make sure to be at the train station an hour earlier because we have to get ready to board the train 20 minutes before departing time. For everyone's information, especially loners like me, we may choose first class or other two later classes when boarding the train for Bangkok.

The ticket costs me about RM112 because I choose the first class coach with a bed, and it is lower bed. Upper bed is a bit cheaper, which is about RM104. It would take us about a day to reach Bangkok and is expected to reach Hualamphong Station at 12:00, Wednesday. I am still not sure about the transportation to return home and also accommodation while being there because I never think any further what to do when I was so bored. It will just happen. I am still deciding whether I would hop on an express bus for Nakhorn Sri Thammarat and later for Songkhla. And then might be taking a van for the charge of RM30 right away from Hadyaai to USM in Penang.

I'm also still thinking on how to store my cash because I think that it's not good to bring a lot of cash along while traveling. Bitter experience in Kuala Lumpur at Central Market really gives me bad feeling with cash although those thieves didn't hurt me nor taking my money as I only had RM2 in my wallet while other bank notes being kept all over my clothes. I had already activated the overseas usage for CIMB but other cards are not activated yet. Maybe I need to go for Pulau Tikus Maybank to ask them or simply call the bank to get the detail whether they have branches in Thailand and providing overseas with charges or else. And then maybe I need to call for al-Rajhi for debit card and charges if I use it abroad. Regret that I never ask that before I made the card at Kajang branch last time.

I had also got some tips from those who had been to Bangkok and Southern Thailand provinces. Also checked the website about accommodation and transportation fares in Bangkok. It is a big city and never look down at the city although it is in a country less developed than Malaysia. Miss Montawadee from women's development center and Azren helped me a lot too with contacts and details about university and mosques in Bangkok. I highly appreciate their assistance, tips and advices in this matter.

What else? I have to change Riyal into Thai Bhat because it would be lower in rate if changed in Bangkok. Some people said better change it at the bank there or at the money changer at huge hotels. I love the pic of Baitullah printed at the Riyal note. Goodbye bank notes, I'll miss your picture (Kaaba). 

The Riyal was given by my third sister who married her husband in South Thai as a present. It's not the present for me to company her for the koboi marriage due to that I still insist her to do it again in Malaysia, but as a present because I helped her with her assignments while she was very busy with her job back there in Riyadh.

The rest, would be in Lord's wisdom. I wish that I would have a safe journey, new experience, new knowledge about society, new contacts, developing amity among brethren in faith and humanity and learning about other country. Everything depends on Allah and His protection. I'm quite afraid too but I have to be a loner since I am a university student, away from parents and without any friend and companion. So, whatever that I have in my head must also be done without any discussion. I had also kept this in my mind so my focus would never change. 

I think that I'm growing familiar being a loner like this. I don't even care about friends any more since I had always believe that my dearly Friend is always with me, talking to me although my physical ears can't hear Him, my physical eyes can't see Him, nor my physical touch could feel Him. And He is protecting me wherever I am from evil. I will release my tense through this trip with His Protection and Mercy. Also wish that everything goes fine and we have updated view about this life... aminn!

Sealed with prayers for peace, love, and mercy for brothers and sisters in faith, amin!!!

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