Wednesday 15 June 2011

Halaqah: Lesson from Surah al-Mujadilah

Assalaamu'alaikum wa Rahmatullah!

Just returned from the mosque. I feel quite relieved and thankful to Allah that I could perform most of prayer services today through congregational way and also rawatib prayer services.  Well, rawatib prayers are not as important as five main daily prayer services but just optional. I choose to perform that simply because I love Allah Azza wa Jalla.

Sometimes people would appoint me to be a leader for small congregational prayers in some places. I would feel bad if I become a prayer leader without performing full part of prayers including the optional ones because I personally believe the rightful person to be a leader must be a person who is attached to daily code regardless obligatory or optional. However, this is just my personal belief, it does not apply to others. I read something in Sultan Muhammad al-Fateh of Ottoman stories and his characteristics also influence my thoughts.

Tonight, our Arab congregation have their halaqah (learning circle) and a syeikh (elder) would explain about different lessons according to different days in a week in the gap time after maghrib service and isya' service. They talked about surah al-Mujadilah. It is the 58th surah in the glorious Quran and we may see it in parah (part) 28th.  Everyone coming across this post may open up your tafseer (exegesis) of the glorious Quran that you have in whatever language that you have. His mercy and love to His servants know no language. 

We would just simplify our note into points here so everyone could gain benefit, but it would be better to recite the verse whenever we have free time to spend around. This is what we do when we feel empty without any companion. We would meditate and recite the verses that we could remember.  

Regarding Dzihar

1. Basically the surah talks about a lady who has a dispute with her husband and her name is Khawlah binti Tsa'labah and her husband is 'Aus bin as-Samit

2. The God listens and saw the event and He declares it in the surah (divine letter) through the tongue of His holy prophet Muhammad s.a.w. Nowadays, we are reciting His words with our tongues. It is about the husband who had divorced his wife according to ignorance period manner by declaring that the back of his wife is as his mum. This act is called as dzihar in our Arabic. 

3. So, the God says in His holy words that the divorce took place although he never declares that he divorced his wife. If he wants to get back to his wife again, he must free a slave. If there is no slave to be freed, then he must fast for two months without stop or if he could not perform the kaffarah (sentence) fast, he must treat 60 paupers with food. 

Concerning Conspiracy 

1. The God says that He knows everything in the heavens and the earth. He knows what is being discussed by groups of people, and He is noting every words spoken from the lips of people who conspire. Whatever they speak out in their heart or aloud, the God will certainly display everything that they did in the hereafter. 

The God says that conspiring something which would be sinful acts over the other is forbidden but yet many still doing it. These people greeting the other not according to what has been taught by holy words and mocking the God to torture them from their evil acts. The God made the promise that they would surely receive the torment that they desire in the place to torture them since they love to return to the horrible place.

2. Faithful servants who talk about something in a secret counsel and in hidden place should never discuss about committing sins, enmity, and betraying the messenger of the God. They must only speak in hidden or in a secret counsel about charity, righteousness and piety to the God.     

3. The God tells us that conspiracies are from Satan because it wants the faithfuls to grief while those conspiracies can never harm no one without His permission. The faithfuls must be dependent to Allah only and not to believe that conspiracies could harm them without His permission.

Politeness in an Assembly with the Messenger

1. The faithfuls must give way for the assembly, may the God gives them huge space. When ordered to rise up, thus they must rise up for charity, righteousness and piety! The God will honor the faithfuls and granting them wisdom. 

2. Before privately consulting the messenger concerning special issue, give your donation to the paupers as it is better for you.    

3. If you can't make the donation for paupers before privately consulting the messenger and the God forgives you your sin, then obey the order of the God through the performance of prayer services, paying the zakah, and obey the holy God and His noble messenger! 

Prohibition about taking the enemy of the God and His messenger as companions

1. People who violate His order are not the companions of the faithfuls. Why God says this? Because they are lying while taking the oath. A person who violate his or her oath are the hypocrites and they are the most hideous creatures amongst His creatures.

2. Why do they become like that? They had chosen to follow the Satan who made them forgetful to remember the God.  The people who choose to follow the Satan are the Hizbussyaithan (the men of the Satan).

3. The God says there is no love between the faithfuls and the adversaries of the God even if the adversaries and the faithfuls are in a family. 

4. The God helps the faithfuls with His boundless mercy which is the faith implanted in their heart and the ruh (guidance and faithful spirit) from Him. These faithful servants are the Hizbullah (the men of the God). This hizbullah is not the political party in Lebanon! It is a generic term for the men of the God. It means that these people are those who obeys Him. They are faithful, righteous and performing charity.

Then the syeikh also talked about the stories between Moses and Khidr regarding wisdom. Since tomorrow is optional fasting day for twice holidays, we should sleep early and wake up early so that we may get the birkah (blessings) in sahur. Later we would talk about Moses and Khidr in their rihlah (journey) full of wisdom if the God permits it, insya-Allah...     

Allahumma salli 'ala Muhammad, wa 'ala aali Muhammad. Ka-maa sallai-ta 'ala Ibrahim, wa 'ala aali Ibrahim. Wa baarik 'ala Muhammad wa 'alaa aali Muhammad. Ka-maa baarak-ta 'alaa Ibrahim wa 'ala aali Ibrahim. Fi-l 'aalameena innaka hameedum-majeed. Sealed with prayers for mercy, peace and love, amin!

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