Friday 31 December 2010

History of Quranic Text

Salaam and peace!!

It has been a while I had left this space as I am busy dealing with this opening of semester. But I will still make sure that I won't forget His path nor His law in my daily life, His Will.

I had read about this in a discussion dealing with Yemeni fragments. I found that it is very useful since many orientalist books with anti-Islamic sentiment are circulated in the market while Islamic scholarly one are hard to come by especially in languages other than Malay. 

I had also read a book in Malay about the compilation of Quran since it's revelation. But I didn't get to publish the picture of the book here because I had forgotten to capture the picture. I only get the picture of this book
in discussion from the net.

Any suggestion on where to get this book if anyone had come across this? 

This is the book by Dr. al-Azami. From the synopsis that I get it is about how Quranic texts being preserved throughout the history covering the part where it was revealed to the holy prophet (saw) and his role in teaching and disseminating the verses. 

Also about the final shape of the Quranic texts shortly after his death. It also talks about Mus-haf Ibnu Mas'ud and the origin of Arabic. Arabic paleography and orthography besides dealing with strict methodology in assembling textual fragments. I think that a copy of this book is worthy to be purchased off.

I also find this site is talking about this common issue, but unfortunately it is in Arabic. I'll scroll it down again to get better understanding and to read before I jot points down in my note whenever I am free. Feel free to read it too if you have time, God bless.

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